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Oleksandra Yakubenko

So excited to rewatch doctor with you! Yes, they change actors every couple of seasons)) it is like this since inception of series in 1960s. Doctor regenerates into new person when he dies. Also i think you should consider sometime react to Torchwood - it is spinoff series with Captain Jack as main character 😉


anyone's first doctor who regeneration is a big moment! that's kind of the special thing about this show, it's always changing every few years whether the actor playing to doctor or who the companion is and that's how it's been going for sixty years, it also means if there's a few seasons you don't love, you just gotta wait it out and everything will start new again and you'll be back on board. pretty much every time it goes 1. WHO is this guy, i miss (actor that played previous doctor), im not watching this anymore i'm about to shut it off 2. okay that episode wasn't bad i'll need to get used to this 3. (current doctor) is the BEST portrayal of the character i've ever seen, he's MY doctor and i'll never watch again once we lose him 4. regeneration, repeat steps 1-3 chris eccleston had a short run, you won't see the doctor regenerate every season necessarily or even always a finale so it will always be a surprise


also the core of the character is the same which you'll see, but i like the metaphor i heard from someone where it's like a snow globe where you shake it up and every time the personality traits will land in a different arrangement so each actor that plays the doctor will have their own take on the character maybe darker or more lighthearted but you'll always get those key doctor moments where you can really see through the actor and just see the doctor that's always been there despite whatever body he's in. can't WAIT for season two!!

Siobhan Linehan

Wow your first regeneration, such a big moment!! This is how the show has gone on for 60 years so far, they keep changing the actor. Christopher Eccleston, who's just left, was the 9th Doctor. David Tennant, who's just coming in, is the 10th. Christopher regenerating after just one season was really unusual, most Doctors stay for 3/4 seasons. But Chris was dealing with anorexia, he was really unwell, and he also didn't get along well with some of the writers. So the fact that he gave such an amazing performance this season while going through all of that speaks volumes about his acting ability. It's such a shame he didn't have more time in the role. But you're going to love David I'm sure. The Christmas special up next explains more about regeneration. Like I've said to you before, the Christmas specials are like an extension of the previous season rather than the start of the next. So you'll understand a lot more once you've watched that. 😊 As for this episode, it's just brilliant. Billie Piper's acting as Rose was next level. Jack kissing both Rose and The Doctor cracked me up but also made me happy, in 2005 when this aired that little same sex kiss was a big thing. And the storyline in this episode is fantastic. The moment that The Doctor and Rose kiss will always give me goosebumps, they're so in love and it's beautiful. You'll now see their relationship grow even more in season 2. 💕

Siobhan Linehan

He shouldn't watch Torchwood until after season 3 at the earliest. It would spoil things otherwise. But yes, it's definitely a show he should watch at some point.

Sean Silence

Yeah I feel like, no matter who is playing the Doctor, the core personality is always there.

Ilsuk Yang

"It looks like a dick!" I can't unsee it now! 🤣🤣🤣I got a kick out of how much you loved Captain Jack kissing both Rose and the Doctor. I wouldn't say that Rose is powerful. I would say that the heart of the TARDIS temporarily chose her as its champion to save the day. Her body clearly couldn't handle the power for too long, which is why the Doctor had to take the power and return back to the TARDIS. I have a big problem with resurrections in movies/TV shows. I feel like it negates the emotions you felt with the "death" and just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I know there are a lot of varying opinions on resurrections, though. So, that's the same Doctor in a new body. Keep watching to find out more!

Sarika H

your hyperness at the end lol breath Travis breath


I think this is the first reaction I've seen where the reactor genuinely didn't know about regeneration and it was AWESOME to see. Chris unfortunately had many conflicts during his tenure as the Doctor which is why his run is so short. It was so bad he wouldn't even talk about Doctor Who in interviews or have anything to do with the show for about 15 years. You'll notice with each season the production quality gets better and better. Season 2 has a couple of dud episodes but for the most part it's a really strong season with a couple of fan favorites thrown in.


Torchwood season 1 takes place after Doctor Who season 2. TW S2 is after DWS3

Siobhan Linehan

Yeah I know, but I know a lot of people who found flicking between Doctor Who and Torchwood quite confusing. I think it is better to wait until after season 3 and then watch all of torchwood at once. And The Sarah Jane Adventures really shouldn't be watched until after season 5 of Doctor Who. I know some people don't mind doing alternate seasons of different shows, I just personally feel that it gets a bit muddled.

Amy Cope

I think the other comments have covered the regeneration bit. Just wanted to say that “that guy” is David Tenant. Absolutely phenomenal actor. The 10th and 11th doctors are probably my favourites.

B Chab-Love

Some doctors have longer runs than others. Ten is my Doctor (the further you go, you’ll find you relate to one Doctor more than the others so everyone has their favorite) and I am excited for you to meet him!


I will always love 9 because he was my first, but 10 is my doctor, followed extremely closely by 12.

Dustee Lodholtz

David Tennant is also Barty Crouch Jr. (HP 😉)