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Johanna T.

so happy for this show. :D My job added 2 new workers last year. Both new to the job. 1 man 1 womann. The woman started first. when the man started, our employer raised her salary because the man had negotiated more, and it was right to give them the same amount for the same work.

Gemma Rivera

Love this show. And Rita Moreno is such a delight. I think that they do a good job of showing both sides of the issues presented which makes for a good balance to the show. It's also nice to see all the different kinds of characters they have on the show. Gotta say that Lori cracks me up. "Is that how Cubans clap?" Oh honey... And I like how they wrapped up the negotiation of Penelope's salary. I always struggled with that question in job interviews. I'm glad that she is starting to learn to assess her worth more realistically and to ask for it. An important lesson for us all


I'm so glad you're enjoying this so far. Every single character (main character) is great. There isn't a single one that I don't love. They're all really well written characters.

Staton Chapman

I love the dynamics of this show too. Lori looks familiar too me