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I don’t think you know how much your reactions to greys, glee, Bridgerton, and Buffy make my day. ❤️

Natalie Pohl

Please do the next 3 at once!

Emma Mellin

i love this episode! and im SOOO excited for the next few!! 😍

Brittany Wilson

Great reaction as always! I absolutely love rewatching these with you and seeing you literally react the same as I did my first time. These next few episodes are awesome! I’m so thankful you upload these as frequently as you do! Thank you 🙌🏼🫶🏽

Tammy Miller

Well as always another superb episode! This show is definitely one of my favorites! And Travis your reactions to this show are as always so awesome! Thank you!


I been waiting on this episode turns out it's been here for a couple days 🤦🏽‍♀️

Melanin Ky

Your laugh is extremely contagious lol! Love it! It's a little annoying how everyone hates on Callie, Izzie's bitchiness towards her is extremely unwarranted in my opinion. Also, the woman who gave George syphilis is highly annoying too. Like ik you not talking about Callie, Ms. Hot Pocket 🤣


Yep. Calliope Ephegenia Torres. That's our Callie. lol I love it. It fits her. It was beautiful of Richard to give Ellis happy thoughts before she forgot again. No need to make the pain of knowing you have Alzheimer, worse. The toxic patient is based on a true case. A lot of the cases that come through on Grey's are; just changed a litte to fit the narrative.


Based on what we see of Ellis Grey, I never understood how Richard could be with somebody like that in the first place.


One thing that bugs me with this show is the timeline, which makes absolutely no sense. The first three seasons cover their intern year, and as far as I can tell that means 10-11 months. When you think of everything that has happened between the characters in that short amount of time it feels hard to believe at times. Probably the biggest offender though is that Bailey mentored the interns for a few months, then got pregnant, gave birth at full-term, went on maternity leave, and has now been back for a while. Basic math says that would have taken AT LEAST 13-15 months but in the show it's probably been no more than 8-9 months at this point considering the third season is only halfway finished. Then this episode brings another huge offender with the clinic. You literally cannot open a clinic like that in a matter of days. It takes months. Just getting all the beds and the supplies would take quite a while, yet somehow they managed it in, what, a week? Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the show. I just cannot seem to bring myself to suspend disbelief when it comes to the timeline. Thankfully it gets better in later seasons when each season covers a year in the show's universe. By the way, if you enjoy medical dramas in general you really ought to check out "ER" if you haven't already. It's without a doubt the best medical show ever made IMHO, even though I really like "Grey's Anatomy" as well. Far less relationship drama between the characters but a groundbreaking show, and probably one of the most realistic medical shows out there (even if it definitely has its share of inaccuracies too). It may not have McDreamy or McSteamy but it does have a young George Clooney as dr. Doug Ross, and that ain't too shabby. :)

Lucile Byrd

There are a number of reasons i deeply dislike (possibly even hate) Izzie, and the 2nd main reason would be her treatment of Callie!