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Pearltheodora Rose

I’m screaming 😭🤣 Travis said y’all better not take my eye candies away

Ilsuk Yang

"Tax that ass!" 🤣 🤣 🤣 Travis you crack me up! So, a second is basically a backup for the dueler. He's also there to make sure nothing untoward happens from the other dueler (and vice versa for the other second) and to act as a witness for the duel. In extreme cases, the second might have to take over for the dueler (not exactly sure what those extreme cases are, though). Things are definitely escalating here, and, like you, Travis, I'm liking this show way more than I expected! Too bad about the duke "shootin' blanks," though

Helen Moore

I think as people who have access to all types of art it's easy to see Benedict and his artist friend in a possible sexual or romantic entanglement but you have to think about it from his time period. Nude art in mixed company was basically illegal and he had probably never been in an environment like that. Everything is new and exciting to him. People who are confident in their sexuality and their own decisions were not common in this time period.

Kelsey Pruett

Your thirst for Simon just makes me laugh everytime. 😆

Angelina Sargent

I am literally in the same boat. He is 100% my entire celebrity hit list. Sexiest man alive.

Staton Chapman

Men and their egos about to get the eye candy killed lol