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Thanks SC!




Reminds me of how we rate everything these days; drivers, food delivery, customer service, grocery store clerks. Then throw in all these algorithms like youtube and other social media, and add a sprinkling of cancel culture and you basically have this episode in a nutshell


I was so curious to see your reaction to this one! It was a rough watch for me the first time with that "nosedive" culminating in the cringy wedding speech trainwreck (which on rewatches now I love), but I think it's such a brilliant concept - and brilliantly executed especially by Bryce Dallas Howard (you were right!) And I actually LOVE the ending with them insulting and screaming back and forth at each other - it's perfect IMO It's funny to me how this obviously isn't a creepy/scary episode like many of the others and yet the world set for us here is such a nightmare to me - made scarier by how...not that far...it is from our reality these days. As someone who puts out content to such a big audience of people I continue to be so grateful for your authenticity, Travis!! 😊

Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, this is definitely where we're headed, and I wish we weren't!

Angelina Sargent

This episode always makes me think of how the lowerclass is treated... like especially how alot of people treat the homeless and how they feel. They get ignored because they are deemed not worth our time or energy it takes to make them feel human. I see it every day on maui. People don't give them the time of day and I just go around having conversations with them and see how real they are and befriend them even when my judgey co workers give me shit for it. And some of these tourists and the higher end locals just tell them to fuck off and legit throw old food at them when they tell them they are hungry and ask for some help. And just like in this episode with the truck driver, the most real and down to earth person in this whole episode is a 1.8 and doesn't deserve the judgements she receives from anyone considered above her status wise. Anyone can have a breaking point and feel like no one is gonna help them when they are wronged or screwed out of a situation that start out as no ones fault. Society is the worst. I may not be poor or underprivileged but it doesn't change what I see on a actual daily basis. This episode hits so close to home and it maybe exaggerated here but it is the life we live and sometimes we don't even realize it when we do it to each other.