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Randee Carreno

Great reaction! 😊 This is one of my favorite episodes. We meet Anna. You'll find out more about her in the next episode. And we find out what it was like for Sam during that time when Dean was gone, and how Ruby came back. That scene when Ruby was disguised as the motel housekeeper was one of my favorite parts, along with Dean, in his own Dean kind of way, thanking Ruby for looking out for Sam.


One of my favorite storylines soo good


What a great surprise when this eps hit. Thank you!!! O yeah- it’s gettin serious! One of my top 5. Can’t wait for your reaction to the continuation. Sorry Travis, but no Urgent Care when you’re a hunter- must learn to sew. Fun facts- they could not see out that window and it was a 6 or 8 ft fall. Jared said it was the only stunt that ever scared him. Also. During the sex scene, one of the ex-producers said “ I think there’s something going on between those two for real.” 😊. Only Jensen knew at that time they were dating. Hurry Hurry with pt 2 Please. Great job!!


such an awesome reaction. Thank you!