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This episode will always make me cry! :(

Staton Chapman

Just my opinion but still loved the other seasons but to me nothing was really the same after this

Staton Chapman

Burt truly is the best dad

Ilsuk Yang

Burt isn't just the best dad on this show, he's my favorite character on this show (seriously, we needed more Burt, lol). Brittany has the best one-liners "What were you expecting, I have a 0.0-grade point average" 🤣🤣🤣. And, I completely forgot that Gloria Estefan played Santana's mother, which makes sense once you consider Santana's talent. I never understood why Kurt didn't make it into NYADA! Carmen Thibodeau (no idea if I spelled that correctly or not, lol) said nothing but great things about his audition. The only thing I can think of is that he did make it at first, but after seeing Rachel's performance at Nationals, she bumped Kurt for Rachel (these are only my thoughts/theory on what happened). Lea's voice just soars when she sings! The way she performs always makes me feel whatever she's feeling. Finn breaking up with her so she can chase her dreams is such a poignant moment. Man, this really could've been a great series finale if they had wanted to end it after 3 seasons (of course they didn't do that, lol). Travis, you will see how they continue the show in the season 4 premiere. See you then!

Siobhan Linehan

This episode is actually cruel lol, I've seen this show 20+ times easily and this episode makes my cry SO much every time. The final song that Rachel sings, Roots Before Branches, is an original song written specifically for Lea and it really is stunning. And Lea's emotional acting in that whole last scene is UNBELIEVABLE! And what makes it even more heartbreaking is that at the time Cory was just about to go to rehab for the first time and Lea said she tapped into that pain for playing Rachel saying goodbye to Finn. 😭 And yeah at the time, none of us knew who was staying on the show or what the show was going to be in season 4. They didn't reveal anything to us until close to the season 4 release date 4 months later. You're lucky that you get to watch season 4 immediately because I remember that wait being torture. 😂

Siobhan Linehan

Your opinion is a popular one. Personally I absolutely adore season 4, my favourite episode of the entire show is in season 5 and there's a storlyine I love in season 6. But from what I see online, most people agree with you. And I do understand that because the tone of the show does change drastically after season 3.

Siobhan Linehan

It's Madame Tibideaux. (I did have to Google how to spell it lol) And her reasons for not picking Kurt are good ones and make a lot of sense. You'll see soon. 🙂


All of the feeels. Honestly very excited to see your thoughts on the seasons going forward.


Also just realized you’ve finished the current seasons of all of the shows I watch with you. You are on a roll.

Staton Chapman

Oh there definitely re some great episodes in those seasons for sure. It's just nothing felt as song as the other 3 seasons as a whole but I definitely agree there are some episodes that are amazing in the future seasons

Ilsuk Yang

I've seen the show before, I just forgot a lot of it since I've only seen it once 🤣. Yeah, I tried to spell her name without Google 🤣

Crystal Cromwell

Anytime I feel like I need a good cry this is one of my go to episodes. No matter how many times I watch it I cry.


The last three episodes of season three are some of my favorite out of the whole show. There’s just so much emotion and passion and love from everyone. They get me right in the soul 😫

Alexandra Raczek

This episode aired the same time I was graduating high school. I was an absolute mess lol

Angelina Sargent

Haha I still can't get over how fucked up Finn was in this episode... can you imagine getting picked up for your wedding by your fiance thinking your gonna be married to have him drop you off at the fucking train station and join the army to get away from you. And to tell all the wedding guests and parents before the bride even knew? Hahaha every time I watch that I literally just laugh at how horrible it is. Even if she's 18 years old and dropping her dreams for him for the meantime it's just super harsh. He did the right thing but still. She took it way better than I would. Hahahhaha

Ally D.

I remember balling my eyes out when this premiered. It felt like such a final moment and after season 3 everything kind of starts to fall apart in my opinion. I feel like the show show have ended with season 3. Edit: just watched the reaction and I balled my eyes out with you again. What a journey all these characters have been on. You will stay with old characters in season 4 (some more than others) and also meet some cool new ones. Season 4 and on almost feels like a different show. It feels like in some ways all the monumental character development goes out the window and some of the characters are reduced into one note versions of their old selves. I think the writers really seriously struggled to find their tone and footing in season 4 onward. When I remember this show, I remember it for season 1-3 being amazing and practically perfect tv gold. And the rest of the show is like a weird fever dream fan fiction with some good episodes here and there.

Gemma Rivera

Such an incredible season finale. So sad, right from the get go with all the nods to the pilot. The first time I watched it I remember thinking that Forever Young was kind of a cheesy choice for a song, but now I am a mess because at the end of the song, the camera goes from Naya to Cory and Mark just as Matthew finishes the song with the words forever young...none of us had any idea that a few short years later they would no longer be with us. Season 3 marked the end of an era in so many ways. The last number they filmed for this season was Get What You Give and right before they started the scene Zach Woodlee the choreographer reminded the cast that this would be the last time that they would all film together like this and so if they seem extra emotional it's because of that and the way that they ended the number was like a passing of the torch as the seniors switched places with the underclassmen. This was also right after the time that Heather found out that Brittany wasn't graduating and so she wouldn't be leaving with her friends and so Naya gave her the black sweater to wear to comfort her. Burt is the best TV dad ever and I loved his gift to Kurt. They totally wasted Gloria Estefan since they didn't even have her sing. I would have loved to have seen a number with her and Naya. And there was a deleted scene with Mike's parents that that would have been awesome to see in this episode. Roots Before Branches is an incredible song, but it's not an original (I saw a comparison video on YouTube where they compared the glee version to the original) Lea did a great job with it though. Cory also did not enter rehab at this time, it was actually a year later, right before he passed away. The last scene in the car was something that the rest of the cast knew nothing about until it aired. Only Cory, Lea, and the director knew what had happened. This was the first time I really could see the growth in Finn as a character. To let go of someone takes so much strength and it sets them up for being able to grow and make choices on their own and it also would prevent resentment from forming later on if they chose to stay together knowing that one would be sacrificing everything to keep them together. It also gives them the power of choice to be together later on because they want to, instead of holding on to it because they gave up so much for it and feel obligated in that way. Choice is always stronger than obligation in that regard. This was also the first time the cast actually got a proper break between seasons as it was the first that they didn't have a tour after the season. The demands of their schedule (shooting for ten months straight and then 7 weeks of a summer tour and only one week off before the next season began) was starting to wear on the cast and they were struggling mentally and emotionally.

Siobhan Linehan

Lea said Roots Before Branches is an original song in one of her recent solo concerts (July 2022). Maybe she confused it with This Time. And Cory did enter rehab after season 3, he was in rehab twice. The first time was not long after the season 3 finale was filmed, that's why they had Finn join the army, Lea said (at this same concert) that they kept his first time in rehab under wraps to avoid controversy for the show. And then he entered rehab again later before he passed and that time was publicized but not by choice apparently. Must've been such a hard time for all of them. 😭

Annie Willow

Every time I watch this episode my eyes start tearing up right at the opening scene. Man they have all come so far but high school is such a short time so the seniors have to grow up and move on. I’m still so upset that they spend so much time helping Puck graduate and no one noticed Brittany. Her teachers all knew her grades and I’m sure her parents, too, but just let her slip through the cracks. Ugh, I guess her storyline just hits too close to home. I did graduate on time but I didn’t have great grades and just struggled and suffered silently my whole academic career (“I just don’t understand anything” Brittany S. Pierce ) and I didn’t know how to ask for help and my parents were completely uninvolved in my schooling. Decades later, I was diagnosed with autism and ADHD and it’s just so frustrating that back then no one even knew what signs to look for in young girls even though my young brother was diagnosed with ADHD at five. I see so much of myself in Brittany - the brutality honest blonde cheerleader who is eternally optimistic and sees the good in everyone who takes everything very literally and who’s brain just works differently than everyone else’s.

Tiffany Tews

My middle school self sobbed her little heart out to this episode when it aired, holy shit. This show really knows how to get you emotional.


I forgot about Burt dancing to Single Ladies! So adorable and hilarious ❤️ I hate that Rachel got in to NYADA and Kurt didn’t! Rachel got in by harassing the teacher and being a brat, but Kurt, who KILLED his audition didn’t get in? It makes absolutely zero sense! And yes I know in showbiz you gotta show that you are willing to fight for what you want and not back down. But I would’ve loved to see Rachel not getting everything she points at for once. Or at the very least if the writers needed Rachel to get in, Kurt should’ve gotten in too because he was better!


From what Google tells me Roots Before Branches was originally sung by Room For Two


Finally done with season 3. Tbh I’m not a fan of it. I love season 4 though 🤭

Gemma Rivera (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-29 17:24:32 Lea may have been mistaken in her recollection of the timeline of Cory's rehab, which is understandable. Many sources reported that it was Cory's third time in rehab, He entered at age 15, then again and age 19 and for the final time in 2013, which was towards the end of season 4. Both of his prior stints in rehab were well before he was ever on Glee. Here is a link to an article where they interviewed Cory's Mom about his past. https://people.com/tv/cory-monteith-mom-drug-addiction-failed-rehab-stays/#:~:text=Drugs%20were%20his%20way%20of%20checking%20out.%22&text=Monteith%20checked%20into%20rehab%20for,and%20codeine%20in%20his%20body. The cast was also very shocked when Cory entered rehab, stating many times that they had no idea about the depths of his issues with drugs during his time on Glee, which tracks with him only having been in rehab once during his time on the show. I love that they showed such great support for him during that time though. They really were a close bunch and to this day they still protect and support each other like family.
2023-03-09 17:19:44 Lea may have been mistaken in her recollection of the timeline of Cory's rehab, which is understandable. Many sources reported that it was Cory's third time in rehab, He entered at age 15, then again and age 19 and for the final time in 2013, which was towards the end of season 4. Both of his prior stints in rehab were well before he was ever on Glee. Here is a link to an article where they interviewed Cory's Mom about his past. https://people.com/tv/cory-monteith-mom-drug-addiction-failed-rehab-stays/#:~:text=Drugs%20were%20his%20way%20of%20checking%20out.%22&text=Monteith%20checked%20into%20rehab%20for,and%20codeine%20in%20his%20body. The cast was also very shocked when Cory entered rehab, stating many times that they had no idea about the depths of his issues with drugs during his time on Glee, which tracks with him only having been in rehab once during his time on the show. I love that they showed such great support for him during that time though. They really were a close bunch and to this day they still protect and support each other like family.

Lea may have been mistaken in her recollection of the timeline of Cory's rehab, which is understandable. Many sources reported that it was Cory's third time in rehab, He entered at age 15, then again and age 19 and for the final time in 2013, which was towards the end of season 4. Both of his prior stints in rehab were well before he was ever on Glee. Here is a link to an article where they interviewed Cory's Mom about his past. https://people.com/tv/cory-monteith-mom-drug-addiction-failed-rehab-stays/#:~:text=Drugs%20were%20his%20way%20of%20checking%20out.%22&text=Monteith%20checked%20into%20rehab%20for,and%20codeine%20in%20his%20body. The cast was also very shocked when Cory entered rehab, stating many times that they had no idea about the depths of his issues with drugs during his time on Glee, which tracks with him only having been in rehab once during his time on the show. I love that they showed such great support for him during that time though. They really were a close bunch and to this day they still protect and support each other like family.

Guillermo Orozco

Rest of the seasons are definitely a different vibe, but STAY OPEN MINDED! Lol They do have some great songs ♥️ 🎶


And they do uncover some really great talent in the next few seasons!


I think Roots Before Branches is a song by a band named Room for Two? I've seen the music video


I think we all laugh-cried with you during single ladies 😂 best dad ever!!!


I agree it’s not the same after season 3. However I do love season 4 and most of 5.


Love what everyone above mentioned. I didn't know a lot of the background stuff. I just want to highlight an unsung hero: Jane Lynch has amazed me with her turn-on-a-dime emotional range throughout these seasons. Catch you for #4.


Room For Two is Adam and Nikki Anders band. Adam was the Executive Music Producer among many other titles on Glee. His wife Nikki was the vocal coach on the Glee Project. So no it wasn’t written for Lea.

Siobhan Linehan

Gemma explained this on her post below. At a 2022 concert Lea said that Roots Before Branches was an original song, so I guess she got it mixed up with a different song. Maybe This Time.

Jennifer Sauer

When can we expect the debut of Season 4 reactions? Love your videos!

Lacy Hause

You've never seen The Notebook? Oh my god, can I please request that you watch that movie? I would love to see your reaction to that movie! One of my faves!