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I have to admit, I thought Vocal Adrenaline was better🥶

Staton Chapman

The main thing about new directions is they show case more voices but still I'd give vocal the edge

Ally D.

I’m very torn because I think Vocal Adrenaline was incredible, but so was New Directions. And I guess it all comes down to what you value. I feel like Vocal Adrenaline was miles ahead with the choreography. But they only had one strong vocalist. Unique was amazing, but besides Unique, no other vocals stood out. Whereas with New Directions, there were tons of powerhouse vocals, and amazing harmonies. I’ve never been in a show choir but I feel like the multiple voices coming together is probably valued at a higher score than just one amazing vocalist. But both were so good, so it’s very hard to pick a favorite

SuBin Kim

and if you think about it that's why Unique won the MVP award... I feel like that makes more sense. New Directions winning the whole competition and Unique winning MVP that made 100% sense to me

SuBin Kim

I think New Directions definitely deserved to win this. Yes, Vocal Adrenaline had better choreography, but they only had one vocalist that stood out which is why Unique won the MVP award while New Directions won Nationals. Also, I've always thought this, but Finn/Cory has such an underrated voice. Yes, he gets plenty of solos, but his voice isn't as appreciated as it should be. I feel like this is the episode where some people started to give Cory's vocals some merit, but I was on board from the very beginning. I just love the tone of his voice so much


Couldn’t disagree more regarding New Directions’ win (and that’s ok hahaha) I thought each performance was a nice conclusion for some character development. Edge of Glory showcased Mercedes and Santana as the Troubletones but also Quinn and Tina, with nice moments for Tina to shine and Quinn to dance again. Rachel’s solo was a do-over of her college audition and you can see her embrace that Carmen isn’t there but she’s still doing to try her best for her team, and when Carmen does arrive she steps it up a few notches. Paradise by the Dashboard Light is my favorite number in the entire show. The vocals, the choreography, the commitment to it, it truly captures how far they came as a group. Finn has never sounded/danced better and the songs many different sections made it reminiscent of Bohemian Rhapsody, which is what Vocal Adrenaline are famous for. This was New Directions’ Bohemian Rhapsody in my opinion. Vocal Adrenaline were great and Alex Newell’s voice is undeniably amazing but I personally didn’t care for either song choices and the fact that they didn’t highlight any other voices in the group has always been their Achilles Heel. Completely respect your opinion, just thought I’d say my piece ❤️

Gemma Rivera

Performance wise, Vocal Adrenaline definitely sold their number better and for many years there just wasn't anyone to challenge them (I'm curious as to who actually beat them last year). They've always followed the same formula of building their performance around one singer though. First it was Jesse and then Sunshine last year and now Unique. At the end of the day it is show choir and the New Directions had more powerhouse voices showcased and their teamwork and enjoyment of the number was unmatched. I think that it was right that Unique got the MVP and that the New Directions won because at the end of the day, one person doesn't constitute a choir. Such an emotional episode. We knew that there was going to be another season, but we had no idea who would be returning to the show, especially from the graduating seniors (Finn, Rachel, Quinn, Kurt, Santana, Puck, Mercedes, and Mike) That's 8 out of the original 12 members leaving. They were only originally contracted through the first 3 seasons. There were reports that Lindsay Lohan was a pain to work with because she was late and held up filming for the hundreds of people that were performing and in the audience. Dot Marie Jones (Beiste) tweeted about it at the time, but it was taken down very quickly. I found it interesting that they gave Mr. Schue teacher of the year after the whole mess with being a terrible Spanish teacher, but we did get one last amazing number from the group...which is the last time that this group would perform together in the show. Something that always brings up tears is when they were singing "We Are the Champions" the first three lines were sung by those who are no longer with us and in the order that we lost them.

Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, I don't think anyone likes Perez Hilton, probably not even Perez himself, lol (only half joking with that last part, lol). I'm not going to comment on the performances. What I will say is that I wish they showed more of the actual performances from the other schools. Seeing only 3 schools perform kind of breaks the immersion for me a bit, but maybe that's just me. They easily could've made "Nationals" into 2 episodes where we get to see more awesome performances (once again, I'm all about the singing on this show). But yeah, very sweet moment from Jesse advocating on Rachel's behalf. That's the main thing on the drama side that I love about this show: they do character development well. Now, onto whether they knew they would have more seasons or not when this episode first came out. I don't really remember that well, but I do remember that this was one of the biggest shows out there at this point in its run, so I'd imagine that they would've renewed it already by this point (I know, is there anything I do remember about this show, lol?). But yeah, you'll see how they continue the show after this season ends

Ilsuk Yang

I can see that with Lindsay at that point in time. Yeah, Will winning teacher of the year makes no sense, lol, but that's this show for ya! That's why I watch this show for the singing, lol


Absolutely agree with everything. This was their magnum opus, and they deserved this win!


That choreography for Starships was 🤌🏻


If you wanna check out the original Paradise by the Dashboard Light by Meatloaf it’s a banger


I love Unique to pieces but I agree I think everyone in the new directions looked and sounded amazing and their performance had a lot of energy and like, conviction? They just really sold it and maybe it’s just bc im sentimental but I was completely enraptured the entire time 😂

Annie Willow

New Directions entire set will always give me chills! Absolute perfection. But can we talk about the fact that Santana opened up the entire Nationals competition?!? She started out completely dissing the Glee Club and trying to sabotage it with Quinn and Brittany on Sue’s orders and now she is opening up the competition on the Nationals stage with every fiber of her being 100% committed to win. Beaming with pride over here. 😁

Avalon Perry

The thing is, you have to remember that this is a show CHOIR competition, and while Vocal Adrenaline are talented, they rely far too heavily on props and choreography to carry their performances. As someone who’s done show choir, I can tell you that the main component is singing and dancing, props, costumes, etc. are just there to support your performance. Vocal Adrenaline only had one really strong singer, while new directions have at least three or four really strong singers, and the rest are still really good even if they aren’t as strong. It seems to me that Vocal Adrenaline uses all the outlandish choreography and props to distract from not quite as good singing abilities, it’s really easy to think they’re better when they have so much going on on stage. Anyway, no matter anyone’s opinion, judges of a show choir competition are a lot more likely to choose a team with stronger singing than they are to choose a team with big props and choreography. If Vocal Adrenaline had had both, they would’ve been a shoo in for first.

Travis Manning

Y’all won’t talk me into thinking ND should have won. They should have won the last one though ! 😂


Season 3 to Season 4 is a big transition for the show and you can definitely feel that already! I think tears in the next one are probably inevitable 🥺 I'm also team New Directions for this one. I was not a fan of the original songs last time around and was glad they didn't win then but think it was deserved here. Paradise by the Dashboard Light is a BIG fan favorite performance. Rachel's solo blows me away. And the ladies with Edge of Glory is *chef's kiss*

Siobhan Linehan

Us Gleeks will defend the New Directions winning Nationals every time lol. I don't think anyone's going to agree with you on this one, sorry Travis. 😂 But you have your opinion which is totally valid of course. 🙂 Personally I agree with everyone else here, Vocal Adrenaline were great but Unique was the only one singing. In past competitions while Jesse took the lead, the others still sang. But in this one it was more like Unique and her backup dancers. And I don't know if you remember the season 1 episode Hairography where they explained that some choirs have elaborate dance moves and flick their hair around and use props to distract from their weaknesses? Well that's exactly what Vocal Adrenaline did. They did flips and tricks and had light up pinball machines to mask the fact that they're not a great choir. And while I also love Nicki Minaj songs, I felt that song didn't work as well without the swear words lol. Plus transphobic bully Jesse losing can only be a good thing. (yes I hate him) 😂 But I am glad that you loved Rachel's solo, she SMASHED that. As she always does. And it was another great reaction from you. I'm SO excited for you to start season 4. Like SC above says, it's a big transition. The tone changes a lot and there's a lot of big changes with the cast and the relationships to get used to. But if you go in with an open mind and try not to judge it within the first few episodes, I think you'll really like it. I know I do. 😊

Travis Manning

Well, one thing you can always count on is I’ll say what’s on my mind and not just what I think y’all wanna hear ;p

Siobhan Linehan

Of course and that's a great thing. I have a lot of unpopular opinions myself, as you well know by now lol. We all have to be ourselves and screw anyone who doesn't like that. ✌️

Siobhan Linehan

Another thing I have to say. I totally agree with your feelings on Perez Hilton. Awful human being. A few years ago he was on Celebrity Big Brother UK and he was the most unbelievably horrible person I've ever watched. He bullied everyone in the house, he made constant snide comments, he was really misogynistic etc. When he was evicted everyone booed him. He's scum frankly. So I am glad that you dislike him too.

Ilsuk Yang

I wouldn't want to convince you either way. You have your opinion and I have mine and that's ok. It was super close, though

Max Ride

I can confidently say that besides Jesse's Girl this is one of Finn's best vocal performances of the entire show.


Hairography is exactly what I thought of when they brought out the pinball machines

Siobhan Linehan

Glad I wasn't the only one who thought of that. Vocal Adrenaline did exactly what that episode explained, style over substance. Amazing to watch but when you break it down it was just Unique and her back up dancers, a choir is supposed to be a team. And that's why the New Directions deserved to win. 👌


I don’t know if it’s an unpopular opinion but to me Paradise by the Dashboard Light beat the hell out off Pinball Wizard both vocally and choreography wise, props to me just stain performances so.. and I’ll say edge of glory combined with Rachael’s solo evens up with the first Unique solo. I can definitely see why New Directions won🤷🏾‍♂️👍🏾


Both were great but I definitely am on the side that New Directions were the correct winners.


I disagree the songs were way better this time. Don’t get me wrong I love the original songs but I like the girls getting their moment to shine just a little bit more. I also like that the last number showcased quite a few of the group members. I am not sure its fair to compare the two seasons anyways because we only see two songs for the season 2 nationals and this season we got 3 songs. I mean I guess if you are a Brit or Artie fan maybe last Nationals would be more of a favorite since the group number showcases them. I think you may also have missed Mr. Schue’s speech last episode about not needing props to win Nationals. Sue wanted to use the welding torches. Not to mention they have said multiple times that the New Directions would never be able to compete with Vocal Adrenaline’s dancing skills. They were always going to be underdogs in that aspect. Just curious but what do you guys think they could have done better to beat Vocal Adrenaline?

Lauren Barton (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-09 10:30:45 I COMPLETELY agree with you on the nationals. I think it might be one of the weakest competitions they've had. As far as their own performance. While still so good and awesome vocals, they have had WAY better. & You also made a couple comments during the episode that got me so excited for you to see a couple future ones!! ❤️❤️ I love watching this with you!
2023-03-09 07:57:48 I COMPLETELY agree with you on the nationals. I think it might be one of the weakest competitions they've had. As far as their own performance. While still so good and awesome vocals, they have had WAY better. & You also made a couple comments during the episode that got me so excited for you to see a couple future ones!! ❤️❤️ I love watching this with you!

I COMPLETELY agree with you on the nationals. I think it might be one of the weakest competitions they've had. As far as their own performance. While still so good and awesome vocals, they have had WAY better. & You also made a couple comments during the episode that got me so excited for you to see a couple future ones!! ❤️❤️ I love watching this with you!

Joshua Coldwater

Vocal Adrenaline was just Unique singing two songs with background dancers/singers, it is a group competition which is the reason they won. Unique got an award for best solo singer. New Directions was the best group, they relied on each others talents.

Capri Zonica

Vocal Adrenaline has always been better than ND no matter what vocalists is leading. It's a very cohesive and well put together concept of one main vocalist supported by a big chorus that can also dance amazingly, and well, they've had great solists. Pinball Wizard was bold, dynamic, electrifying and leaves a lasting impression. Unique is a very charismatic star. As you said, We are the champions was a better choice but still, not better than Pinball Wizard.


Sorry Travis, but the Vocal Adrenaline performance wasn’t touching the New Directions’ one. The songs selections were amazing and their charisma and passion was overflowing. Tbh this whole episode is definitely Cory’s best vocal performance, like he sounded amazing during nationals, we are the champions, and tongue tied.

Clay W

Yeah, as much as I love the New Directions, Vocal Adrenaline was better, but I knew since most of the characters were graduating, ND was gonna win regardless.

Sherry Palmer

As I said when Jesse won for Vocal Adrenaline, it's not show choir if there is only one soloist.