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Cat King

So in shock about Jeremy you totally skipped over the fact we will have to deal with a No-Humanity Elena now


Nina‘s acting in this episode was so good

Krisa Barker

This Episode is definitely good one but, so emotional. 😢 I'm can't wait tell we see the next one.

Helen Moore

I love this episode, I think Elena turning off her humanity is probably the most interesting development in her character up to this point.


I forgot that it was Damon telling her to turn it off


Is the video not working for anyone else?! Just a black screen, no sound, help!


Never mind, I guess that turning the phone off the on again really works lol

Tammy Miller

You can’t bring back a burned up body!!! Love it!!!

Portia Crain

I often forget how good of an actor Nina is because I see Katherine and Elena as two different people and such but this episode her acting phenomenal top tier


Sorry my comment is coming in so late but I’m a new member catching up! I found Matt’s scene breaking down in the car to be the most realistic! Maybe because I’ve found myself snort crying a handful of times lol

Nikki S

I cried watching that scene but I always cry every time matt cries lol even when I’ve seen the show almost a hundred times lol always cry when Matt cries.