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ah right, the episode with Jeff Blim (the cook that gets injured)! He's part of Team Starkid (theater company that made the Harry Potter musical and makes amazing musicals on youtube)


The ending always makes me so emotional.


Thank you for saving me a Google - I thought it was him but wasn't sure!

Tammy Miller

Love this show! It’s always keeping you on edge.

Ilsuk Yang

You're definitely right about Buck's character arc in this show, Travis. So good! I also agree with you about falling through that crack at the beginning 🤣🤣🤣! My jelly belly and I would not make it across those buildings, no sir 🤣. I love Hen being a complete badass in this episode! That sendoff for Red was just so heartwarming! And yeah, I think my allergies are starting up again


I just started watching the show in real time early in Season 7. So I'm rewatching all the previous seasons here with Travis (a year after the fact). We (probably straight guys and lesbians, too) were already in love with Buck. He's just so damn adorable and that big kid energy only makes him more so. But he's just too damn sweet in this episode. I love him!