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Siobhan Linehan

I have such mixed feelings about this episode. I feel like they tried to make everything too depressing before the end of the season, like it all got a but too much for a while in this season and that's why it's one of my least favourites. But that's just me personally. And the songs in this episode really were good. I also really liked the Beiste storyline at the time, showing that a strong and burly woman can still be abused and is still just a girly girl inside was something I'd never seen before on TV and haven't seen since. It meant a lot to my friend who's a lot like Beiste and has been through similar things. It's such a shame that they ruined this storyline in a later season, but that's a story for another day. I can't explain it without spoilers but you'll see. And the next episode is luckily a lot more upbeat, it's actually one of my favourite episodes of the season so I look forward to watching that with you. 😊

Annie Willow

“The Rain in Spain” is from my favorite musical My Fair Lady and it has nothing to do with geography and everything to do with language and diction. Puck singing a My Fair Lady song still cracks me up. Even though the girls completely missed the point, “Cell Block Tango” was awesome and damn they were hot. I am really glad that they redeemed themselves with a hauntingly beautiful rendition of “Shake It Out”. Santana starting it off in a cappella was just perfection and those harmonies! Just wow. As much as it sucks for Rachel that she choked during her audition, this was a huge lesson that she needed to learn. The show doesn’t stop if you forget the words or mess up in some other way. You improvise and move on like nothing happened. I feel like Madam Tibideaux would have been more impressed with her if she carried on and didn’t even let it show on her face. That would have shown that she can think on her feet and react quickly.

Ilsuk Yang

Man, Dot-Marie Jones did a great job as Coach Bieste in this episode (I mean, Jones always does a good job, but this was something else)! I'm mad that Bieste gave Cooter another chance, but it's super realistic that it happened. Puck failing despite studying so hard like that (this is why you shouldn't cram for tests) is sad, too. But Kurt's performance was great! I agree that it's the best he's sounded to this point in the show. And Rachel choking shook me to my core the first time I saw this! I mean, I probably should have seen it coming with the title of the episode being "Choke" but I probably didn't know the name of the episode the first time so I'll use that as an excuse, lol. Also, my favorite line from this episode is from Brittany, "Did he break his hand?" when Beiste was admitting that Cooter hit her. Also, I agree that they sideline Tina way too much

Ilsuk Yang

"Shake It Out" was beautiful from all the ladies with their gorgeous harmonies :)

Mghnon Martin

"Shake it off" is on a lot of best of Glee lists. Tina, Mercedes, and Santana is such a powerful group and really should have let Tina sing more. She was literally on Broadway with Lea Michelle and the show acts like she can't sing. Also, yes, Cry is a Kelly Clarkson song.

Gemma Rivera

A bit of whiplash in this episode. First, I have to say I love Roz Washington (Nene Leakes) she is such a great addition to the cast and great foil for Sue. Ian Brennan writes for Sue, Brittany, and I'm sure for Roz and Santana as well. Sue, Roz, and Santana have some of the most savage lines and the actresses deliver them brilliantly. Roz's nicknames for the girls is just perfect. Cell Block Tango is wonderfully executed and the full version has a verse by Sugar (yes, Vanessa Lengies can sing!) Not the Boy Next Door is my favorite Kurt performance. I love that he got that feedback from Carmen Thibodeaux. Rachel's choke as difficult as it was to believe it happened, was good for her character growth. I like what she said to Kurt at the lockers. Shake it Out is one of my favorite vocal performances from a rare trio. You're right Travis, they don't let Tina sing enough. And Naya's and Amber's performances are always emotional, powerful, and soulful. It didn't entirely fit with the storyline because they had originally recorded Love the Way You Lie, but couldn't use it due to copyright issues and had to sub this song in at the last minute. It was never released, but Jenna (Tina) has a copy of it and says that it's amazing. I so want them to release it finally. It usually takes on average seven times of confronting someone about a domestic violence situation before they actually leave, so them showing her going back to him is pretty realistic. If you know anyone who is in this type of situation just remember that while they may not leave after you've talked to them about it, you may have brought them one step closer to reaching the point where they're ready so please don't give up on them

Angelina Sargent

I was actually really happy with how they handled this episode about the spousal abuse. It actually annoyed me when I first watched this episode that beiste came to her senses after her first admission of the abuse the day after it first happened. This woman is used to not being loved, has this charming Mr perfect looking type guy who she clearly loves and he hit her once and is considering pressing charges and moved out the next day? I was annoyed back then because I could tell she wasn't angry at all she was just heart broken. I know alot of people who say they would leave their spouse after the first time they hit her, especially after all that time thinking he would have never done that to her... it's super unrealistic that there is just an easy(but truly hard) fix for what she has been going through in that 24 hours. Just up and redefining your life on a single action. My friends who have been in actual exact situations never left after the first time it happened to them. It was almost as if they want to know if it would happen again if they stayed. And the one thing that threw me off is her admission to the girls about cooter hitting her and how they had saved her life by making her stand up to him and leave... but if she truly believed that if she didn't leave he would eventually beat her to death??? I don't think any one of my friends considered that mindset after they got their first hit from their spouse... "oh if i don't leave him right now he will end up killing me" never crossed their mind because they hadn't experienced that situation as a new normal at that point. So yeah I had a lot of problems through out this episode until they showed her ending back with him. People have to understand the mental process of the women who experience this. And you have to have the most incredible amount of self confidence and self respect to knock that shit out the moment it happens. To just keep that special mindset that you deserve better than whatever the hell you went through and then to surgically remove that type of shit out of your life would feel fucking impossible. Watching this episode now I definitely understand the mindset of why people stay in this type of relationship when it first happens. I tried to put myself in beistes shoes as if it were my husband who has never fucking touched me in any aggressive way or even yelled at me after 10 years of marriage and it would feel like a fucking train running me down if he came home from work one night and clocked me for any reason. It would be so out of the norm that I don't even know what I do in that instance. So in that sense I feel like I understand my friends better when it first would happen to them. I always would ask them why they didn't leave after that first night and they would tell me that it didn't feel real and just thinking about experiencing that situation makes me feel that way. I will say that I think alot of people get some kind of warning signs before it escalates, usually there is boundary issues, trust issues, arguments and verbal fights, alot of controlling behaviors like with money or checking phones, messages, and work schedules. I am curious if we ever get more of that backstory with beists marriage cause I truly don't remember how it all plays out.

Amber Karin

I heard in an interview with one of the musicians (the blonde guy who plays the guitar)... He didn't know the Beiste storyline was about domestic abuse. He was just told that the girls wanted to sing Beiste a song to cheer her up. So while the girls are singing Florence, you see him in the background with the biggest smile on his face. He said he was so embarrassed lol

Siobhan Linehan

It really is yeah. Definitely needed after so many sad things this season. It's a really uplifting episode and Brittany is hilarious in it. I think Travis is going to enjoy it. 🙂

Staton Chapman

When Beiste said she can't leave because she doesn't feel like anyone else could love her that hit hard. I stayed in an abusive relationship bc it was the first time anyone gave me attention and it felt good for once in my life.

Mike Dispo

You should watch Hugh Jackman's performance of "Not the Boy Next Door" on the Tonys the year he won the Tony (which they reference in Kurt's audition). Or maybe I should recommend it for the March request! :D


Honestly, I think this is one of the top 3 episodes in Season 3. I love it.


Umm…did Mark having writing credits for Puck, cause I swear rewatching it now there are things he says that are very disturbing

Helen Moore

Tina is seriously under used throughout the first many seasons. She is also a broadway baby was in Spring Awakening with Lea and Johnathan Groff.

Ally D.

I never thought about the title of this episode and how it has a double meaning — Rachel choking on her audition and Coach Beiste being domestically abused (choked)