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This is just a reminder that a week from today I will be making my move across country for a fresh start ! I have high hopes and big things planned for the future !

I bet you wouldn’t have known that I’ve been packing up my house while consistently turning out 3-4-5 videos a day while also running my two YouTube channels myself !

I love this job. I wouldn’t rather be doing anything else.

But I AM asking you for your grace over the next couple weeks during this crazy time. I still have content planned and will be posting daily but it might not be the 5 video drops you’re used to. Most jobs give you weekends off and 2 weeks of vacation time. This guy chooses not to take that. ♥️

I get told that I post way more than most other creators so keep that in mind LOL.

Please don’t post asking when the next episode is going to drop for a show because over the next few days I’ll be spending dozens of hours filming the content for the next couple weeks.

I appreciate y’all and just wanted to keep you updated !



Tammy Miller

Good luck on your move! You are such a hard working man! Just to think that everything you’ve been putting out plus packing would be quite overwhelming! But yet you do it! You take all the time you need. We will be here when you are ready! Please have a safe trip. Take your time. Be careful!


Good luck 😱🚗 you deserve all the happiness and know that your videos are worth waiting for, for sure. Safe travels.


Moving is tough! I’d say good luck, but you got this!!!

Helen Moore

Just travel safe, enjoy the journey and don't forget to soak up all of this new beginning as you can!


Best of luck with the move and all your new endeavors!!

Charissa Kay

Maybe you should take time off every now and again if you want, and if you can give that to yourself. I only watch 2 shows, and one of them has reached its point in the series where I am not as motivated to follow (so technically, one). For the only other shows besides those that I might watch, one hasn't yet released it's new season, and the other you're not posting, but has also reached its point in the series where I'd probably only watch the finale, and maybe other episodes if I'm bored. I'm sure there are other people that follow many of the top shows at once, but I'm not sure of that percentage. I also prefer to binge a few at once when I have time, not catch each as they come, so if you're taking a day a week, or a weekend, or couple weeks break and coming back to post a few that would probably align for some of us. I've seen almost all the reaction/content creators I follow on anything eventually do one or two stress/burn out/"why I was suddenly away for awhile" confession videos because they tried to "keep up" with a certain pace that just didn't suit them. The only other Patreons I support and most other creators I follow on YT are ones that place quality and self care over engagement and algorithms. My most favorite YTer of all time puts out amazing videos on one of my special interests once a month at MOST, lol, but I do not complain for a second, because they deliver something well worth wait every single time. I am just one persons opinion, but some might share. I care about content creators as people first before what they provide me, so do you, but take care most of all, or you and content might suffer anyhow! Good luck on your new ventures!!!


Don't stress yourself out. We will be here.


Moving is very stressful. Be good to yourself.


My country gives you weekends and 28 days paid vacation time, so you're being robbed as it is. Don't stress yourself.


Have a safe and easy (as possible) move!