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Omg Doctor Who!!!!!!!! I'm screaming!

Cat King

So obviously they only gave you a small bit of info on who The Doctor is, and it will take you a while to catch onto enough of the info to gather more of the bigger picture. Yes, the special effects are VERY suss. We are all fully aware lol. They do eventually get better, but not anytime soon. Beans on Toast is a common British food, and we eat it here as well. I love all the crazy things that come from Rose's mum's mouth! She is batshit and I love it. Here for it 24/7. One of my favourite things about British shows, especially of this Era, is they were not afraid to put people into everyday situations like putting a well-known pop star/singer into a show and then giving her bedhead immediately. Rose is played by Billie Piper who had a decentish pop career before turning actress. Enough that the British public knew her name and she was the known element going into this show. But, making her relatable instead of super pretty was very much a BBC-stylised choice of the time, and worked really well with their audience. "What kind of doctor is he?" - That is a very good question, Travis. Rose doesn't take much notice of Mickey, so it's pretty on-brand that she doesn't notice that Mickey is plastic. Love me a sonic screwdriver. An absolute gem of Doctor Who fandom merch. In case it went by too fast. TARDIS. Time And Relative Dimension In Space. He said 'Fantastic' and it made my heart melt. I love how quickly Rose jumps into the adventurous spirit. Also, we know you haven't watched the original show, But the previous regenerations (actors who played the doctor) generally played the doctor in a more whimsical way and so this doctor has a leather jacket and more of a bad boy vibe. I really enjoy that Chris played this in a different way. Took a different direction. As you can see, Rose has decided to join The Doctor for some adventures in Time and Space. And we will learn more about The Doctor along the way throughout the season. I am glad Siobhan has you watching the whole first season. Because I think it will take you the whole season to really get into this show.

Siobhan Linehan

You're right, this first season is fantastic (literally lol) but it does take some time to get going. That's why I saved up to buy the whole season. I felt that made the most sense. 😊

Ilsuk Yang

So, this show definitely gets better as it goes along. My favorite part of this first episode of "New Who" is definitely the scene where Rose's mom tries to seduce the Doctor and the flat refusal on his part. That had me in stitches the first time I watched this, lmao! I literally had to pause it for a bit. The special effects are what they are (adds to the charm of the show in my opinion). I will say that my favorite character in the show so far (I've watched up to season 2, episode 1 at this point) is definitely the Doctor. I have to say, you and I had a very similar reaction to Rose immediately following the Doctor underneath that ginormous Ferris wheel. We were both like "Nope! I choose life over adventure." lol. We were more like Mickey than Rose. Anyways, I look forward to seeing what you think of the rest of the first season, Travis


Sometimes this show can be cheesier than Swiss Fondue, but once it get's going, it REALLY get's going. I guarantee this show will give you laughs, tears, jump scares, and drama. The BBC is funded by the TV license. It's almost like a tax that British people need to pay in order to watch TV. BBC was originally operated similar to PBS, it was there to educate as well as entertain and was very much the broadcasting corporation for the people, and with no advertising allowed. This meant that Doctor Who didn't have a particularly big budget. Once it grew in popularity they were able to make money from merch, but the biggest growth in budget was when they could sell the show internationally. Around season 3 or 4 is where the show started to get really popular in the US, and when it started pulling in more money. You'll notice the production quality gets stronger and stronger each season.

Amy Cope

Great choice. I think you’ll really enjoy Dr Who. Yes it’s cheesy and the special effects are daggy but that’s part of its charm. In a few seasons it gets a big budget increase but tbh I prefer the cobbled together version. It reminds me of watching the original series in the 80s with my family when it had a cardboard robot dog you could see the strings pulling it along. 😂

Amy Cope

Some episodes will scare the bejeezus out of you. Some will make you cry but for the most part it’s just riotous fun. Absolute chaos and silliness. This was a stand alone episode but each season tends to have an overarching story / mystery to solve, alongside individual stories for each episode. Hopefully you’ll decide to continue after this season. I think knowing you enjoy teen wolf, schitts creek & the good place that you will. Not that it’s like any of them exactly, but just in the way it’s silly sarcastic humour, cheesy but tongue in cheek with surprising touches of drama etc.

Siobhan Linehan

Yay I loved this, so glad I paid for it. This show is tacky and crazy but that's what makes it what it is. And I'm glad you liked the first episode overall. 😊 Yes the special effects aren't good but this show has a tiny budget, they have under 800,000 pounds for every season. Like the MCU Disney+ shows have a few million dollars per episode. So yeah that's why the special effects aren't great but, like others here have said, that does add to the charm of the show. What they achieve over the seasons with the budget they have is amazing really. Beans on toast are a classic British food. The beans aren't like the beans you have in America at all. They're in a light, savoury, tomato sauce and they taste great on buttered toast. I'm glad you found the mannequins so funny, there are a lot of funny aliens and moments on this show and they are meant to be laughed at. The best tip I could give you for enjoying this show is not to take it too seriously. 😂 Also it's better if you go into this show straight away seeing The Doctor and Rose as a romantic pair. That isn't a spoiler because it's clear even from this first episode that there's a special connection between them and us Doctor Who fans always make newbies aware of this so they go into these early episodes with the right mindset. Their relationship is written intentionally as a romance from day one. And you'll see that grow throughout the season. I can't wait for the next episode. 🙂

Ilsuk Yang

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the beans on toast thing to Travis. Lots of good stuff in the first episode, so I forgot about that line, lol. Never had beans on toast before, but one of my favorite YouTubers is British and I've seen him eat beans on toast plenty of times. To me, it seems like a food that looks terrible, but tastes really good, lol. I've also seen Gordon Ramsay talk about it too

Siobhan Linehan

Yeah that describes it well lol. It definitely isn't a beautiful looking meal but it's really yummy. It's like the top British comfort food, especially on cold winter nights or rainy days. 😂

Siobhan Linehan

Good point about the mystery to solve in each season. I wonder how long it will take until Travis starts picking up on the b** w*** clues in this season. 😂

Kaydee Bernal

I love the Doctor. But I will say that the first season is not nearly as good as the others. I’m glad your giving it a shot and I truly hope that you’ll stick with it after season 1 because it does get better in story line and graphics. It’s still cheesy for a few seasons but that’s part of the charm.

Annie Willow

Damn I love this show. I always forget how cheesy it starts off. But hey, cheese is great and only gets better with age.

Siobhan Linehan

It's funny you say that because the first season is maybe my favourite season overall. I think it's fantastic. Whereas some later seasons are way worse (mainly season 6 and season 11 lol). But we all have our opinions of course and that's awesome. I just hope Travis is more with me on this one. 😂😜

Kaydee Bernal

I can’t comment on season 11 because I stopped watching a few episodes into Capaldis time. I just had a hard time getting through it. But season six is probably my favorite. However I’m a huge fan of Alex so…

Siobhan Linehan

I love how different people are. I don't like River at all and I just didn't enjoy season 6. Whereas Capaldi's first two seasons are my second and third favourite seasons of the show and his Doctor's relationship with Clara is my favorite duo ever on the show. Every Doctor Who fan seems to feel completely differently about every era of the show and that's great. 😊


God, that theme song is iconic. Just hearing that sound makes me get all amped up for the episode. New Who was where I started watching, so Chris will always have a special place in my heart, even if I prefer David. And Rose Tyler is such an icon. Realistically I would be a Mickey in this show, but I want to be a Rose. I think this show got so much better once we got to season 3, but season 2 was still fantastic. I can't say that word without thinking of Chris.

Ekk (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-01 20:33:35 Siobhan whoever you are, thank you <3
2023-03-27 22:46:32 Siobhan whoever you are, thank you <3

Siobhan whoever you are, thank you <3