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these reactions are my absolute favourite! the show honestly gets better and better im so excited to see your thoughts as the show continues <3


My favorite reactions from you! Truly just the best! From here on out it gets better and better! Cannot wait! Thank you so much!


Meredith did take a sip before she threw it out so I look at it as accepting the juju.

mari johnston

It’s going to be a love hate relationship with Alex in the first couple of seasons, but you’ll learn to love him in the later seasons


I think Izzie was harsh but Alex shouldn't have done what he did. Bc he didn't give Denny a reality check out of concern for Izzie but out of pure jealousy. Izzie holds Alex accountable and he needs that rn to grow and evolve into a better human being.


btw fun fact: "how to save a life" became famous bc of grey's anatomy. it was relatively unknown before then. Afterwards other shows started using it but this song is still known as a grey's anatomy anthem.

Sherry Sink

Cristina and George going at each other over Burke's scrub cap cracks me up every time. And I love that Izzy told off Cristina - I've never seen Cristina back down, but in that moment, I think she made the right call, lol!!


Not really loving this show's characterization of mental health so far - comparing the uncontrollable repetitive behaviors of OCD with superstitious beliefs is....yeah not great....but definitely here for the drama!

Tammy Miller

What can I say! Another awesome episode! And another awesome reaction Travis! Thanks!


I said it before, Alex needs to work on his delivery. He can be an a$$ when he says things, but in this instance, he's not wrong. George is acting like a baby. Even his treatment of Callie is childish. I loved George, but he went downhill fast, for me. I don't particularly like Alex's bullying of him, but all I'm saying is that he's not wrong, in this instance.

Chris B.

I'm gonna be honest I was more annoyed with the writers than with Alex himself this episode. Having him regress some in the face of the circumstances made sense but having him go full sadistic douche nozzle like this was just a little nonsensical and disrespectful to his character arc.