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Hey there folks!

I have added another spot to the BACKSTAGE PASS tier!

This one gets access to everything posted for lower tiers, and comes with a monthly request of one of the following:

2 episodes of a show (either one im watching or a new one to checkout/test)

1 movie request

1 full album request!

FIRST COME FIRST SERVE - This spot will likely be taken quickly!


Marek Barwinek

Am I blind or is it taken already? 😂

Travis Manning

it was scooped up really fast lol...message me though...I could potentially add more spots depending on what people are thinking!

Ilsuk Yang

Wow, that was really fast, lol

Kevin Snipes

Hey Travis! I would love to up my tier to the Back Stage Pass if you add more spots. Let me know!!

Siobhan Linehan

Damn that was quick. I think you need to add more spots lol. I'd definitely move to that tier because I do need to move down from the $500 for now and I'd prefer the back stage pass tier to the $20 tier tbh. But if you can't add more I understand. 🙂


I want one

Iyana Taylor

Riiight i looked and gooone

Travis Manning

LOL I wish I could have an unlimited amount of spots, but then people would get mad at me if I couldn't keep up or if something came up! 😫