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You are an absolute legend for posting these back-to-back! And just in time for my lunch break!!

Matthew Hall

Right! I was worried it was gonna be like when it aired and had me waiting

Sacid Ve

thank god you did the two episodes!


I forgot just how intense these episodes were, it’s been at least 15 years since I’ve seen it, that was so much fun!!



Sherry Sink

That speech George gives to Bailey to get her to focus, that whole scene between the two of them, all the way up through him climbing onto the bed behind her and saying, "Let's have this baby..." OH MY HEART. I love that scene SO much. It's probably one of my favorite scenes of all the Grey's episodes that I've seen (which I think may have been through season 4 or 5, maybe?). I just love him being there for her and getting through to her. It makes me cry every time, it's so moving.

Sherry Sink

I also like the juxtaposition of the start of 2x16, compared to the end of this episode. How it opens with this seductive fantasy in George's head, about Cristina, Meredith and Izzy in the shower together, and it's all very alluring. And in the end, the three of them are actually in the shower together and he sees them, and the reality is so much different. Still really beautiful, them taking care of Meredith after that horrible explosion, but it just shows that the reality is so much different than the fantasy, and in some ways, it's more heartbreaking but also so much more private and genuine. Which is why he walks away, and that makes the tie-back really fascinating to see. I thought it was a really interesting idea within the story. (Especially because I remember seeing that opening scene in 2x16 and rolling my eyes, like, seriously? This is how the episode is starting? What on earth... lol.)


These are my favorite reactions you do!!!! I always get so excited when I see a new greys episode. ❤️❤️

Cat King

The George/Bailey is one of my top moments

Tammy Miller

I’m obsessed with this show! It’s so freakin good! And your epic reactions just make it better!


why did you hate the guy with the bazooka and his wife so much lol 😂


I love adel’s line of that is not the she he was asking for…

Katie Kat

George is such a sweetie. Your reaction to the bomb going off was priceless. Perfect writing IMO

Tiffani Donaldson

I have inappropriate laughing and crying reactions during stressful or tragic situations too🙃 😅