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Thanks S C!



Oo yay! This one is definitely a trip and it was fun seeing your facial expressions and WTFs 🤣 I never saw Star Trek but still really like the zaniness of this episode. And that question you raised about how much should we sympathize with cloned versions created only to serve humans is interesting and comes up in a couple other episodes. I think seeing them with consciousness makes it tough on the audience for sure. Insanity is all these Black Mirror episodes really have in common! Thanks for watching these two 😆

Tiffany Tews

Omg this is another favorite of mine, I think in my top 3 of all black mirror episodes


this was a fun reaction, i really hope you watch the "Playtest" episode

Angelina Sargent

So I'm only at the scene where they talk about Tommy going out the air lock... but I have to mention that for them all it's 100% them. They are a sort of conscious code. That's why they all have their memories up until they are in the game. So they basically had a clone of the child who was him in every way but he has a back up (real life) version of his kid in the real world. It's so fucked up to hear this guy's story.


yes! I think Travis would definitely like that one

Ilsuk Yang

Wow! It's like a crappy version of Star Trek with even more hokiness than the original. Then it turns dark real quick! I mean, this is basically the story of a guy who is so passive in real life that he made a super realistic virtual reality game where he's basically God and can make the world and its inhabitants do whatever he wants! And then he still loses! Wild episode for sure. I hope, for your sake, though, that no one requests season 1 episode 1. That episode still has me shook after all this time!


I'm requesting more Black Mirror but will not be asking for 1:1 🤢 !

Ilsuk Yang

That's good. S1E1 scarred me for such a long time that I didn't continue with the series until Travis started watching it, and even then, it took me a while to watch it, lol. Nothing that Travis has watched has been like S1E1, so I'm actually enjoying the series now


The thing is, it doesn't really matter that the original version of them remains in the reality, everything they feel in the game is 100% real as well. Cloned consciousness is real consciousness. 🤯

Katie Kat

Hmmm I do like this episode but if we were somehow able to do this in real life it begs the question who is really you? And I wonder if me the person who is typing this would be trapped in the computer wold or what. I mean is it really them, or is it just code? IF I knew anther me was trapped in a virtual world I don't think I'd feel right about that. I don't have any sympathy for the incel who got trapped.