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Thanks Michelle!


Cat King

Travis making bold statements "I don't know how much worse it can get" 😂 😂 😂 Your are looking especially fine today. Your hair is looking suave 🥰 I think the idea is that they thought he would be like super pitchy and off key, so anything above that is an improvement singing wise. Michael is such a soft soul. He cares so much, and it's interesting to see him and Sydney face off about only going after sd6 but at the same time we see his really sensitive side as well. Haha oh man the mental institution is a fun place. And the next episode is great.


This is perfect breakfast entertainment - awesome! Ohhh, the rabbit hole of Syd's family drama. Excellent :D She's Jon Snow in a way - she knows nothin'. And gosh, I just can't with Will - that complete idiot just won't let it go even though the whole thing screams trouble. Dixon and Syd are so fun to watch on missions together, it's probably my favourite part of Season 1. Charlie's voice isn't bad, but dropping out of Law School for this? That's always been a little crazy to me, so you're definitely not alone. I always manage to forget about that damn institution. You're in for a rollercoaster the next episode :D

Cat King

Hahaha this is a great way to explain Syd!! She absolutely knows Zilch! It is so hilarious how much she has to back pedal everytime she learns more.

Ilsuk Yang

Boy, Sydney really does put her foot in her mouth more often than not! I had forgotten about that part of her personality this early in the series (I forget a lot of stuff, lol). Yeah, her father is an interesting character for sure, and you'll slowly see why throughout the series. I honestly forgot the ending of this episode (there it is again, lol) and can't remember for the life of me how she gets out of this predicament! Anyways, glad you're enjoying the show more, now!