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Sheena Kinman

I love Ed in the Ghostfacers it is hard to believe he is the same guy that plays Sunny in Sealteam

Tina Lofthus

I don’t have ADD but I’m epileptic, so with the shaking of the cameras and lighting it really messes with my head. I get dizzy and sometimes nauseous watching stuff like this. But it was funny though.


Forgot- the JIB Con in Italy is named for Jus in Bello- I read it’s from old UN charter regulating conduct of those involved in armed battle. Google said, but I don’t really know.

Kevin Dunham

Rise and shine Sammy!

Kevin Dunham

I'm not that crazy about the jerky camera work either. I had to just listen at times. Having the Red Wings game on at the same time helped.


This is such a perfect parody of all the reality ghost hunting shows on now. SPN ahead of their time. I love these two. So nerdy. So delusional. So annoying sometimes, but funny and loveable in the end. I just found out the guy who plays Ed is Sonny on Seals. Been watching that for years and just realized. Thanks for SPN Travis-real treat when u do more than one!! Gotta say. Not a major fan of this one. Rare for me, but this one’s a clunker.


“He exited the episode”😂😂


I heard that this is basically the only time J2 we’re aloud to cuss in the takes, because the Ghostfacers show just bleeped it out

Travis Manning

I'mma need them to use a tripod next time....


One of my comfort episodes, I never get tired of it ❤️

Ilsuk Yang

That must've been some Jason Bourne level shaky cam 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah not my favorite episode, but it was funny. It's one I skip on rewatch lol