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Hyunjinshairband (edited)

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2023-09-10 08:09:08 I love it when they have to kill someone and Dean looks at sam and sees that he does doesn't want to do it so he does it.
2023-09-10 08:09:08 I love it when they have to kill someone and Dean looks at sam and sees that he does doesn't want to do it so he does it.
2023-09-10 08:09:08 I love it when they have to kill someone and Dean looks at sam and sees that he does doesn't want to do it so he does it.
2023-09-10 08:09:08 I love it when they have to kill someone and Dean looks at sam and sees that he does doesn't want to do it so he does it.
2023-09-10 08:09:08 I love it when they have to kill someone and Dean looks at sam and sees that he does doesn't want to do it so he does it.
2023-09-10 08:09:08 I love it when they have to kill someone and Dean looks at sam and sees that he does doesn't want to do it so he does it.
2023-09-10 08:09:08 I love it when they have to kill someone and Dean looks at sam and sees that he does doesn't want to do it so he does it.
2023-09-10 08:09:08 I love it when they have to kill someone and Dean looks at sam and sees that he does doesn't want to do it so he does it.
2023-09-10 08:09:08 I love it when they have to kill someone and Dean looks at sam and sees that he does doesn't want to do it so he does it.
2023-09-10 08:09:08 I love it when they have to kill someone and Dean looks at sam and sees that he does doesn't want to do it so he does it.
2023-09-10 08:09:08 I love it when they have to kill someone and Dean looks at sam and sees that he does doesn't want to do it so he does it.
2023-09-10 08:09:08 I love it when they have to kill someone and Dean looks at sam and sees that he does doesn't want to do it so he does it.
2023-09-10 08:09:08 I love it when they have to kill someone and Dean looks at sam and sees that he does doesn't want to do it so he does it.
2023-09-10 08:09:08 I love it when they have to kill someone and Dean looks at sam and sees that he does doesn't want to do it so he does it.
2023-09-10 08:09:08 I love it when they have to kill someone and Dean looks at sam and sees that he does doesn't want to do it so he does it.
2023-09-10 08:09:08 I love it when they have to kill someone and Dean looks at sam and sees that he does doesn't want to do it so he does it.
2023-09-10 08:09:08 I love it when they have to kill someone and Dean looks at sam and sees that he does doesn't want to do it so he does it.
2023-09-10 08:09:08 I love it when they have to kill someone and Dean looks at sam and sees that he does doesn't want to do it so he does it.
2023-09-10 08:09:08 I love it when they have to kill someone and Dean looks at sam and sees that he does doesn't want to do it so he does it.
2023-09-10 08:09:08 I love it when they have to kill someone and Dean looks at sam and sees that he does doesn't want to do it so he does it.
2023-09-10 08:09:08 I love it when they have to kill someone and Dean looks at sam and sees that he does doesn't want to do it so he does it.
2023-09-06 11:12:21 I love it when they have to kill someone and Dean looks at sam and sees that he does doesn't want to do it so he does it.

I love it when they have to kill someone and Dean looks at sam and sees that he does doesn't want to do it so he does it.

Trinity Biv

Merry Christmas Travis

Cat King

Hmm I find it interesting you found it heartwarming that Dean got Sam to work on Baby, this made me tear up. Because I saw this as Dean realising that his time is coming to a close before he might end up in hell and he needs to prepare Sam for life without him, it really made me upset.

Rue Surnameunimportant

I have a hard time being mad at Bela because she is fuckin' hilarioussss. Also, woo! Kurisumasu episode next -- on the holiday itself!

Mark Wood

Realistically if you wanting the writing to stay true to the characters, Dean should have never worked with her after she shot Sam, especially as he was cursed to die at that point. Never was able to buy into any of their interactions after that point. Like the actress, a lot int he role though. And I can see Sam (early the season still working with her, after her casually throwing Gordon on to their path...THat's where Sam shouldn't have any reason unless Dean is literally at death's door an she has a cure).

Mark Wood

Cat its heartwarming because Sam is getting his brother back. It's also very sad, because Dean is no longer just faking his fate. So it hits both emotions, and that's what makes the scene so good.


Have to disagree. Dean is not as tough as he pretends. Other characters in many episodes have referenced that it’s just a front he puts on. I think mainly for Sam. He thinks he needs to always be strong like John was to protect his little brother. He’s the best with kids. He’s the best at showing his emotions when no one’s watching. You’ll see this much more as series goes on. Totally off subject😀 but everyone references Sam’s height. I learned at a con that Jared&Jensen have the same inseam length, but as Jensen says “ a freakishly long torso” Early on, Sam’s shirts were always too short- budget got bigger and they got him better shirts😂

Travis Manning

I feel Jared on that ! My height is definitely mainly in my torso as well ! (I'm an inch shorter than him though)

Rue Surnameunimportant

Eeeh. I mean, he never really seemed to "work with" her so much as tolerate her barging in on them and not allowing his feelssss get in the way of saving lives when it so happens that she has valuable intel/opportunities to stop deaths. Mostly, it was he shoving them into situations where they had no other choice or Sam probably sympathizing with her life endangerment as he compares it to Dean's nearing death. As for Sam, yo, Sammy is a hopeless softie to a fault even at his most blood-thirsty. Gordon Walker had to literally send men and order his death, attempt to kill him, etc etc. It's reallyy tough to entirely destroy Sam's ability to relate to someone, which is why he has such a simple time opening his mind to even monsters' experiences. Your argument isn't very sound to me, Mark, but hey, we all got our opinions.


Gordon is so scary!!!! He freaks me out!! and Sam with the razor wire!! \o/

Sheena Kinman

That last scene always brings tears