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Cassandra Ryan

bailey really is like a mom and she's just looking after her lil cub. ugh

Sherry Sink

I love this episode. It's so complicated for all the characters involved, but each and every story going on had something interesting. And each character showed another side than we usually see -- Burke and his "broken heart" patient, Alex talking with Meredith, Shepherd's wife Addison showing her expertise and a different side to her relationship with Derek, George standing up to Meredith's mom, the Chief and his friendship with Ellis Grey, and most especially Bailey... I have always liked Bailey, but I think this is when I decided she was pure awesomeness and that I loved her character. The way she was still so tough (and refusing to let Meredith into Cristina's surgery) yet clearly cares about her interns, looking after Cristina during and after surgery... I love it. She's truly one of my favorites.


Great 👍 episode

Cat King

Yes, this episode was one of the first episodes where major characters go through medical issues of their own. Also, we see mass casualty events happen close to the hospital (which somehow seem to happen a lot in this area lol) for the sake of the plot.