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Staton Chapman

Yes I've been ready for another teen wolf reaction

Staton Chapman

I actually liked this episode. It started with present and then showed what led up to all of it.

Victoria Ekena

yeah. this episode wasn't the greatest. But Stiles being his hilarious self makes up for it imo. great reaction anyways.

Cat King

It's interesting that your first thought is to just assume that Derek's not dead. People do die permanently in this show. You shouldn't just assume that people don't die, because they do and it is heartbreaking. But my rule of thumb is people aren't dead till I see the body on screen. I'm glad you noticed the momentary red alpha eyes Scott gets. It's important for later on in this season. This is the first moment it happens but it's a very interesting plot point that begins happening this episode. Allison also talks about Scott's eyes right after the first time his eyes turn red. 👀 damn I only just noticed that this time around and I have seen this show about 4 times.

leslie martin

Scott once again proving he's the man!! he's such a leader, and a wonderful main character!

Tammy Miller

Interesting episode.