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Did you ever finish this season?

Maria Truedsson

First of all Marcus is no nice! Are we watching the same show!!? Marcus is a manipulative little shirt! He didn’t respect Simons wishes when he told Marcus he wasn’t ready for a relationship!!!! Instead what did Marcus do??! He FORCED Simon into a relationship with him!!!!!! That’s NOT A NICE GUY!!!!kr

Tammy Miller

Great episode! One of the better ones!


best ep of the season.. unless it's ep 2.. or 3.. or 5.. or 6.. no, I just love them all!!!!!!


Great reaction :) I noticed Saras text to August before the ball was weirdly translated, it actually said "We can't see eachother anymore", which I think explains why he suddenly shapeshifted back to his usual self again.. I have actually enjoyed seeing this other side of him, when he's with Sara, he doesn't even look like August! The actor does such a good job..