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Santana in that dress 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 HAHAHAHA your reaction when you realised what song the boys were singing! I was thinking “There’s no way he’s never heard this song before” and I was right Seeing Santana and Quinn crying over a plastic crown right after Kurt was humiliated by the entire school makes me so unreasonably mad, I honestly hate that the writers/editors/directors/whoever made the decision did that. It’s making what Kurt is going through seem less significant. Blaine is the best though!

Amber Karin

Make sure you have tissues handy for the next episode!

Ilsuk Yang

Your reaction when you found out it was the song Friday was priceless!!! Interesting note about that song. Rebecca Black didn't actually write that song. I forget the guy's name (yes, it was a grown, black man who wrote it), but there was a YouTube video about him writing that song sometime after the music video came out and I looked like you did when you figured out what song it was. I can understand a teenage girl writing that song, but a grown man? That cracked me up! Anyways, back to the episode. Artie not spiking the punch was hilarious! Also, just before it happened, I remembered who won homecoming queen and my heart broke for Kurt all over again! Then, he went back in there (like a boss) and made the best of it.


Um Santana, a Hell’s Angel stabbed someone at The Rolling Stones Altamont Freeway concert, so didn’t go off without a hitch lol

Leslie Tolbert

Thank you so much for the great reaction! I am so glad you are loving the show! I was just curious if you are planning on watching the Glee 3D Concert Movie once you have finished season 2?

Travis Manning

That looks like something I would have to purchase or rent so if someone wants to sponsor a "movie reaction" for that I could !

Ally D.

I love this episode!! Also so excited Jonathon Groff is back. I forget how much I love Sam (especially in the early seasons)!! He is sweet and a bit kooky and odd but such a sweetheart. I feel like the writers of this show unfortaneutly dropped the ball on some of the characters in the later seasons, particularly with Tina and Sam, so I like to remember them how they were early on. Lol I wonder if anyone else feels that way

Erica P.

So glad you enjoyed this one as much as I do!! It's one of my favorites, and I loved Groff being back so much. I feel like when this originally aired, Jesse's return was controversial in the sense that people either were SUPER excited or HATED him from the egging lolol.


They made Friday an absolute bop!

Gemma Rivera

Santana's story arc is one of my favorites of the series and the other one I actually ended up loving a lot is Karofsky's and this is where we get to see it start to turn. He's still so scared to come out (which I totally get), but I loved that he sincerely apologized to Kurt and without provocation and still insisted on protecting him in the halls. Such a contrast to how he started on this show. The depth that Max Adler brings to the portrayal of Karofsky is great to watch. I am in the minority because I actually liked Finn and Quinn together. Cory and Dianna's chemistry was so great, and I wish they would have given Rachel more opportunities to date other people in high school. I liked her and Puck and even her and Jesse. Only glee could take Friday to another level like that. I wish we could have heard more of Dancing Queen. I often forget about this duet, but Santana and Mercedes slay every number that is thrown their way


Lovely, and Amberx2 is so right. I can't wait for the next one.


Tbh I found it less surprising that an adult wrote it -- it really sounds like an out of touch adult trying to capture the teen experience lmao. that said, those lyrics are COMICALLY bad XD after moving to California I've met a ton of people who know/knew/went to school with Rebecca Black and they've all said she's super nice and chill, and was embarrassed her parents pushed her to do that song. Makes me feel bad for making fun of her when I was younger :P


Gosh Rachel and Jesse sound phenomenal together. Confession: I always liked them together more than Finchel. Yeah what Jesse did to her was awful, but Rachel's done and continues to do similar caliber things to others for her own success. I always felt like both she and Finn could do better if that makes sense? Finn deserves someone nicer to him, Rachel would jive better with someone who shares her mentality. Maybe it's just cause they were in spring awakening together on Broadway but lea and groff have insane chemistry.

Siobhan Linehan

I have mixed feelings about this episode. I love that Kurt owned being crowned prom queen and made it in to something good. He's amazing. And the songs in this episode are FIRE, especially Rachel singing Jar Of Hearts. But on the other hand, and in contrast to the above comment, I hate Jesse with a passion and I get angry every time he comes back. He's a really bad person who doesn't grow over time and Rachel deserves SO much better than him imo. Also I hate the way that Artie was made to look like the bad guy with the Brittany situation. Yes him calling her stupid wasn't ok, definitely. But he'd literally just found out that she'd been cheating on him throughout their entire relationship, he was pissed off and he had the right to be. And after breaking up Brittany literally showed no remorse what so ever for cheating on Artie whereas Artie is apologizing to Brittany multiple times and singing her songs and feeling horrible about that one wrong comment which is no where near as bad as what she did to him. I just don't get that whole storyline. 🤷