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yasna gonzalez sanchez

I love your expressions jsjsjahababa this is the first movie I felt so angry with Edward because yeah sure is half vampire and its unknown but maaan you created thaaat !! Don't be such an asshole. And, well all your answers are answered in the books sjjsjs the protection thing was not "necessary" because supposely it was not possible for Bella to get pregnant jsja which is really funny. The only babies that existed before were full vampires never half. She had cut it with their teeths because the baby was supposed to do that but it was premature so it couldn't jsjs and the placenta of the baby it was harder than a human one since its part vampire jdjs


OMG, we need your reaction to part 2, lol. It's been a minute since I've watched these. I was a fan when they first came out but rewatching them now in my 30s makes me cringe but also cracks me up. The dialogue, the long stares, the rancid acting in the first one. I'm gagging, lol

Celeste Tay

everytime I watch part 1, always seeing "malnourished" Bella, I don't remember how "healthy" Bella looks like until they undo all that special effects on her in the end

Cat King

This is the first movie that they let RPatz start to act in. He starts to have emotions instead of look like he is holding in a bad fart. Idk what kind of direction they were giving him because I know especially in some indie movies I've seen him in he has some amazing acting abilities. Also it kills me that after these movies I was really hesitant about Kristen Stewart and now she is a big queer icon of mine and has pretty good acting skills herself in movies where she is given decent direction. Back as a teenager I didn't hate these books. I won't say they were good but they were entertaining.

Imane Bourhim

Vampires eyes' colour change according to what they eat: red for human blood, golden for animal blood ( vegetarian 😂 ), and black when they need to feed. Bella's are red because she just change, once she's settled in the vegetarian diet they'll be golden