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I accidentally posted 2x20 first so watch this before (if that matters to you)! :)



Random fact for you. The guy that plays Tiny in this episode was actually Jensen and Jared bodyguard during Supernatural and he still works for Jared.


Dean thrives in prison!


He actually was their driver to set in Vancouver. Sort of morphed into assistant/bodyguard. He’s at all the cons and fandom knows him well. He’s Uncle Cliffy to J2’s kids. He has trimmed down & muscled up since this eps.


This was filmed in Riverview Asylum. It was abandoned and thru the seasons it was used as many different kinds of locals. It was Jensen’s birthday during the shoot and all the “prisoners” in the yard sang Happy Birthday to him😂. Now that’s something you don’t see everyday! Good work. Keep these SPN’s coming👍🏻. So many I’m anxious for u to see.


such a great episode!!!