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Ilsuk Yang

Fucking Eric and fucking Doug! This episode had a large number of assholes in it! And you're right, Travis. This show is so good and keeps us on our toes for sure! Also, Chimney has been through a lot in these first couple of seasons (and I'm just talking about physically). First, he gets rebar (or whatever it was) stuck in his head and survives, and now, he's been stabbed multiple times in his midsection! Seriously, fucking Doug!


During my last rewatch my mom was tell me about the case that the main investigation this episode was based on. As far as I know the show was mainly accurate, but I feel like the real story didn’t end like this. I forget the details, but it happened in the seventies, and the boy (Steven) wrote a book about it. It’s insane (and heartbreaking) to think about how many things from this show are based off of real events.

Lea Connor

Is this 'I Know My Name is Steven'. The kid that was kidnapped and was found years later. His older brother is a convicted serial killer.


Today has been rough ngl and seeing you posted 9-1-1 today of all days actually makes me so happy lol it's my absolute comfort show can't wait to see your reaction

Tammy Miller

Super great show! What an ending! Loved your reaction and your hair!