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Max Ride

Another great reaction and so many great covers in this episode. And don't worry not much longer until Kurt and Blaine get together.

Ilsuk Yang

Santana's facial expressions throughout this episode are hilarious! Puck's "What is this place?" line about the library is definitely my favorite line from this episode, though


Tina's song is live, and there's about 2 songs in the series that are completely live and really good renditions, and a few times later in the series where some openings of songs are live or lines but not the entire song

Amber Karin

This was my first ever episode of Glee! I thought Lauren was amazing and I couldn't stand Rachel.

Annie Willow

First off, Candy Striper Santana 🥵. Second, Blaine singing “Sometimes it doesn’t come at all” specifically to Santana, hang on to that nugget. I absolutely loose it when Lauren is literally wiping the floor with Santana. Like really, honey, she’s a champion wrestler, even though you beat little Quinn up, you didn’t stand a chance against Lauren. Also, why the hell are you fighting over Puck. Just eww. You know that’s not who you really want., you just aren’t ready to admit it yet. The love web in this show is just starting to tangle and I live for all the drama. I do have to remind myself that these are teenagers, though, and that’s really what they do. But also, the writers did tend to take inspiration from so many of the things the cast did off set, too. In Naya’s book she said that they had the sex drive of bunnies and the bed hopping skills of a polygamist cult. Oh goodness, poor Tina. She can’t ever get through a whole solo. Brittany was cracking me up though, she is always vibing with every song and she was even extremely uncomfortable. That’s how you know it’s really rough.


I don't think when I get you alone was a good choice, Blaine. It seems aggressively sexual for a guy you haven't even started dating yet. Also, probably should have checked his status before you outed him in public.