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As always message me questions or leave a comment and I'll answer!





Hey Travis! I'm a bit confused. I'm silver at the moment, but I know you are redoing all the memberships. I don't see the memership options you posted about last in the current membership options. What will be a lateral movement for me and when will the other tiers become available to switch to?

Phillip Grischa

The confusing part at least for me is why I should upgrade to gold, what advantage does that have over waiting for the new tiers?

Amye Sabin

Can you list the tier pricing for each, so we know how they correspond to current tiers? This might be easier in the long run, but transitions can be confusing.


I'm so confused as well. I see a lot of avantages but I don't know to which tiers they belong nor the prices.

Travis Manning

There will be 3 entry level tiers ( one for movies , one for tv , one for full album music reactions) and those will start at $10. The next tier will include all 3 and would be $20. If you are deciding I would upgrade to gold that way you are locked into all movie and tv content until the end of the year !

Travis Manning

Because gold right now includes all tv and movie reactions for $10 - but that won’t be an option anymore after this week.


So if I'm getting this right, I'm going to have to pay more money to watch what I've been watching up until now? I guess this is goodbye then

Travis Manning

It shows you were on the 'Buy Me a Coffee' tier which doesn't even have access to most content so I'm a bit confused lol


I was subscribed to the Silver Tier, I'm not sure why it said Coffee Tier


I'm having the same "issue" as Alita. I had to do a weird subscription change to watch your Prison Break react, but it was the same amount of money, so I thought whatever, I'll just do it. And suddenly I'm in the Buy Me a Coffee tier which let me watch the Prison Break episode yesterday, but won't let me do it today and prompts me to instead subscribe for 9€ - which I assume is 10$ American. So she's right - 5 bucks used to let us watch most of your stuff (at least what was interesting to me, like Vampire Diaries and Teen Wolf) and now this will require 10$. Just to clear it up.

Travis Manning

The Buy Me a Coffee tier was never intended to watch any content - Prison Break was ALWAYS supposed to be on a $10 and up tier, you you are lucky that you caught the mistake! This was done as a way to streamline the content people know they are getting. There used to be some TV shows on Silver and some on Gold, same with movies. Now EVERY TV SHOW is on the same tier and EVERY MOVIE is on a separate tier. If you want to only watch tv shows, it's $10 because the amount of content went up, same for the movies. If you want access to EVERYTHING, it has a higher cost.


That's fine, you should be rewarded for all the content, no question. I'll have to think about it nonetheless since I really only watch a couple shows and 10 Dollars is more than my Netflix subscription XD and like I said, I used to be silver which was right up my alley contentwise and it sort of weird-glitched me into the Coffee tier which I never intended on being in. weird things.


If you saw how very little our Netflix has to offer in comparison to the American one, you wouldn't be so hasty. Besides, I'm sharing with 3 people, so that's why, lol.

Amber Karin

I was subscribed to Silver also and mine says Coffee Tier now. I watch every Glee reaction 🤷‍♀️

John buchanan

I believe I’m subscribed to the 10$ one that allows me to watch your movies and shows is this correct Travis? I’m very confused

John buchanan

Ok I get that but I pay 10 a month and believe I paid for a year so does it auto switch to gold since also 10$ a month?

Travis Manning

No I cannot change the tiers. If you are already gold , it stays gold and then if you want to stay at the same price point you have to pick tv , movies , or music by December 31. If you want all 3 it’s an upgrade.

John buchanan

Sorry to be a bother, I enjoy your content so just trying to make sure I’m doing right thing.