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Shanice British

Oh crap. I forgot about that cliffhanger 😂


I went to Cal State Northridge 5 years after the 6.7 earthquake they mentioned in the show. The parking garage that came down was still a pile of rubble. It was surreal.


I always forget about the cliffhanger at the end… season 2+ tend to have more cliffhangers in them than season 1 (obviously). Just like they cast the guy who plays Tim the paramedic in LS as the runaway groom in episode one, they cast the guy who plays Mateo as a small role in this one.


I’m glad you finally got to Chris (Eddie’s son). I think Chris is one of the fandoms favorite characters.


you reached the first of the major disaster stories! the s3 one is even better but no spoilers. this show really does get the heart racing and also always manages to make me cry. it’s the perfect balance of both. and yeah that was the guy who plays mateo in ls. there’s a fun little tie in about it during the crossover but you’ll have to wait and see.


christopher diaz is a national treasure 😉


wow that cliffhanger was rude lol

Lea Connor

Christopher being a national treasure is on pretty every single Buddie fic.

Nicole Sadler

A cliffhanger while the woman was hanging from the building... I see what they did there lol!