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good thing they didnt kill off bonnie...you wouldnt want to watch any more of the show hahaha

Joanne Pauley

Omg I love this show and it's getting juicy very very juicy. come on peoples join the juiciest !!!! Tell your friends to join Travis's Patreon!!!!!Thanks Travis

Starla Morgan

I am not a fan of Matt. He has his moments....but overall, 👎. This is such a great episode. So emotional. 🥲

Darsy Smith

My guess is they have a decade dance every year, this one was 60's! I love how this show does a good job of letting its main characters not know everything, too many shows are protective of their characters and they magically discover the bad plots, but this one doesn't do that, it feels more real and also more STRESSFUL!! Edit: case in point, ya'all always forget that vampires have supernatural hearing and I swear you be giving away plot points where anyone can overhear and it makesme NUTS!

Tammy Miller

Lol!!! Your arrangement was funny!!! Always a cliffhanger at the end