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I never got the clown phobia myself, but I know this gets Sam just like Dean flying.


2.5 is just a saying. It's based on an average of how many children people have.

Gabriel Mauller

Whenever I need a good cry, these last three episodes will do it for me. Just excellent writing and acting.


No worries Travis. Sam feels your pain over the clowns☺️. Glad you’ve now been to the Roadhouse- new characters for the boys to play with! I love Ash! My condolences on loss of your dad. Try not to carry guilt. Life is a journey and no one travels a perfect path. As always can’t wait for 2x3.


I collect clowns too but I would never torture someone with them like that. My bf is so scared of clowns that I've kept them packed away for 5 years now. It's ok Travis. They won't get you.


Hope nobody requests the "It" movies.


I was the kid who was terrified of Ronald McDonald. Any commercial with him would make me freeze up, I had nightmares about him all the time from the ages of 2-9, and I was even scared of anyone who had the same hairstyle as him. I was terrified of clowns for most of my childhood, but weirdly I’m ok with Pennywise (old and new) and the scary clown in this episode…


Reminds me of a 5 year old me scared of Chucky, and my dad bought a chucky doll to mess with me, I would throw it away and every time he would put it back in my room and I thought it was alive. Lol


Fun fact: The production/set designer is from my area of Wisconsin. There are plenty of "hometown" references and local homages, but this episode's setting in particular is based on a small annual traveling carnival that goes to Mischicot, WI. Jerry's siblings actually have a tavern in the area that used to have a lot of SPN memorabilia from set.


I am sure this was a good reaction but I refuse to rewatch this episode 😂