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Joanne Pauley

I love this freaking show too. The twists and turns never stop . I do love Elijah though. You will see. Everyone needs to come watch with me!!!! Thanks for the reaction Travis!!!


so much fun! and even more fun with the original vamps ;)


Katerina is Epic !!

Starla Morgan

Your reactions bring me joy. These last several 3 episode dumps have been amazing! Thank you so much!

Yetzybeth Paolly Piedrahíta

Fun fact, they made Katherine originally from Bulgaria because Nina Dobrev was born in Bulgaria and can speak the language!

Darsy Smith

This is akin to having Bucky Barnes associated (avoiding spoilers) with Romania because Sebastian Stan is from there! I love when shows do this :D

Darsy Smith

This is the most batshit comparison but one of the things I adore about Vampire Diaries is one of the things I love about My Little Pony?? A lot of times the villains have such good reasoning even if they're the bad guys you're like 'okay I GET it,' and sometimes they 'turn good' (thinking Rose here, not a deep spoiler, been a while since I watched, don't read into it!!) in ways you wouldn't have expected. This is a low-key episode but it's one of my favorites because I WANTED to hate the hell out of Katherine but honestly it feels like the (bah, hitting enter doesn't give a new line) comparison is best between Katherine and Caroline, you know? Because what being a vampire does to both of them is fascinating, it brings up stuff you wouldn't expect.

Tammy Miller

Love love love this show!!! Thank you Travis for your awesome reaction!!!