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Nicky Bomberry

I’m watching this show for the first time with you. Omg the tears 😭 ugh….this show may kill me lol


I'm not crying, you're crying! Wow, I still got the gut punch from this episode even though I knew it was coming. Sam pulling out that Ouija board and actually hunting with Dean - then losing their dad...and we lose JDM.


Haha yup waiting and then getting this episode was insane. You know exactly why supernatural was so successful. Waiting each week to get episodes like this was mind bending.

Denise Landry

Ugh, haven't seen this episode in a long time. Even though I knew what was coming I still lost it at the end. 😢 Thanks Travis.


I cry every time I see this! Your righteous anger so appropriate! Did u notice the call for Dr. Kripke? So many Easter eggs in this show😊. Buckle up. Gonna be unanswered questions for awhile. Glad you’ve met Tesa. She’ll be back throughout the seasons. One of my fav eps. just because of the tension. O the term for Dean’s situation- he was “ in the veil” between life& death. This was first time I learned that if a reaper is there “ naturally “ you can’t get back in your body. No natural way to escape them. You have to go Supernatural. Enjoyed watching this with you for your first time👍🏻. Hope2x2 is soon.


looks like their dad traded his life for Dean's. sad :( but glad Dean is sticking around.


Have you watched this show through Spacey Doodle?


Travis I love your reaction, you are right, it was challenging waiting for months until next season,but it was fun at the same time.

Linda Moore

Such an amazing episode! It never gets old. Loved your reaction! 😊

Amye Sabin

Hi Travis, new subscriber here! I'm loving your <i>SPN</i> and <i>Lucifer</i> reactions. Except I have to say.... GO BUCKEYES!<p></p> <p>Going forward, you'll want to watch the recaps for each new season. You'll be missing some great musical montages if you don't. Also, there is a new title card each season. It was always fun trying to figure out the symbolism for each one.</p> <p>S1-S5 is an entire arc, so answers might be slow in coming, but don't fret, it will all come together. Each season in this arc is better than the last, IMO.</p>