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Ilsuk Yang

I agree with you Travis! I love this movie and this trilogy. I don't even know how many times I've watched these movies! Now you know why this is my favorite trilogy of all time. All right, now onto the info dump. So the winged beast that Eowyn decapitated is not a Nazgul, it's called a fell-beast. The man (if you can still call him a man) riding it is a Nazgul and the lord of the Nazgul. Aragorn lives until he's like 210 (or something like that). Arwen, even though she's mortal now, lives until she's several hundred years old. When Legolas goes to the undying lands (the place Gandalf, Frodo, and Bilbo go to at the end of the movie; an analog for heaven), he takes Gimli with him (and yes, Gimli is one of my favorite characters). This trilogy took over a year to shoot (much like the journey the characters go on in this trilogy). Most movies film for a couple weeks to a couple months. It was an arduous task taken on by mostly New Zealanders (where the movie is filmed; ever since I first watched the trilogy, I have wanted to visit this beautiful country). Pretty much all the extras in the movies were New Zealanders and many of the extras of the Rohirrim (horse masters of Rohan) were played by women who were expert riders. Tolkien actually started to write a sequel to The Lord of the Rings, but couldn't find the story and ended up shelving it. I don't know if you know, but there's a Lord of the Rings show starting on Amazon today, so that might be something you would like to react to. It's apparently the most expensive show of all time, so hopefully it's good. Anyways, I always enjoy your reactions, Travis!


I have to assume you saw the missing segment before you picked up here. I felt a little short-changed not seeing you react to Aragorn getting the sword and the summoning of the dead. But all in all, I laughed when you laughed, cried when you cried, so it felt fulfilling. The confusing bit with Eowyn appearing dead after the battle was handled a bit poorly. In striking down the Nazgul king, she sustained a curse through her arm. Aragorn has a gift for healing which he used to revive her. Oddly, that was a scene left out of the theatrical version. Maybe someday you'll pick up "The Hobbit".


I see you have watched the fellowship of the rings but it is missing part 2 I don't think its uploaded.

Travis Manning

Im glad SOMEONE said something! It was a mistake on the cutting - I accidentally hit a delete button! Almost 30 mins...wow. Working on getting the replacement up right now!

Darsy Smith

I adored your reaction! I know you're very busy with things to watch but for your own edification I recommend some of the extras if you can get ahold of them, I used to watch them over and over back in the day. Such dedication and craftsmanship went into everything! And the song at the end of this particular film has such a tragic and lovely backstory.

Darsy Smith

Hah I wanted to say something but thought it might make you feel bad if it got lost! <3


Well you did better than me - I've seen this trilogy maybe 4 or 5 times and without fail I always start BLUBBERING uncontrollably at the line, "My friends, you bow to no one." I can't handle it. Such a journey. Thanks for watching these!