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Ilsuk Yang

My condolences for your dad. I can only imagine what losing a parent in that way would feel! I love the relationships on this (and OG 911) show, too. This is the episode where I really got onboard with TK. How supportive he was of his father and everything, man, that really hit me. I love the little things in this show, too. For instance, at that place with the demolished houses with the father and his 2 kids from the beginning of the episode. When the dad died, there was this moment where Marjan wouldn't let the camera crew film it. We already know that she's a bit of a glory/attention hog, especially when there's a camera around. But this scene shows how human she is and how much she cares about life. It's the little things like this that make this show (and OG 911) special :)

scarr (edited)

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2023-04-21 11:02:51 Echoing others' sentiments here 💜 Another little thing in this one I loved is the timing of that hug between Owen & TK and the song coming in with the words "where have you been my blue-eyed son" 🥺 oof seems like a small thing but damn that really gets me!
2023-04-01 02:00:07 Echoing others' sentiments here 💜 Another little thing in this one I loved is the timing of that hug between Owen & TK and the song coming in with the words "where have you been my blue-eyed son" 🥺 oof seems like a small thing but damn that really gets me!

Echoing others' sentiments here 💜 Another little thing in this one I loved is the timing of that hug between Owen & TK and the song coming in with the words "where have you been my blue-eyed son" 🥺 oof seems like a small thing but damn that really gets me!


Grace is the coolest!!!


Damn this episode about cancer is hard for me to watch because of my mom. I still love your channel T.


Damn Travis *hugs* I'm so sorry about your father . May God give you and your family strength. Thank you for sharing your journey about your Dad. My grandparents my dad's parents I'm sure will look after him in heaven . May he be at peace. 🙏❤️🙂

Travis Manning (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-16 02:35:51 I appreciate that <3
2022-08-26 04:34:12 I appreciate that <3

I appreciate that <3

Tammy Miller

I’m so sorry about your Dad. My heart goes out to you. I lost both my parents to cancer. I always say they are at peace now. And so is your dad.


I’m sorry to hear about your dad. You are unfortunately in the family cancer club. It’s a club no one wants to join.