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"I may be dead, but I'm still pretty." is such an ICONIC line! Love Buffy so much!

Denni Caid

This episode shows us just a hint of Sarah Michelle Gellar's range - some amazing performances here! For clarification - the Master drank just enough of Buffy's blood to allow him to break free from the Hellmouth, which was also enough to cause her to pass out - and when he tossed her face down in the puddle, she drowned. Angel and Xander found her not breathing, so she was technically dead, but Xander performed CPR and revived her. She's currently alive, not in any sort of undead state. As explained earlier in the season, for her to be a vampire she would have had to drink the Master's blood too - we'll learn more specifics about the process later so I won't spoil any other details. The entire first season was filmed before any of it aired, and they had no idea if the show would be picked up for a second season - season 2 had a bigger budget and a full 22 episode run, and it's definitely a step up! Can't wait for you to get into it, seeing as how much you enjoyed the first one!


So glad your doing the entire series. Sarah Michelle Gellar should of won a award for her performance this was such a great performance by her.

Bud Haven

The ability to fashionably fight the forces of evil is one of Buffy's super powers. This is Sunnydale, if they cancelled things every time someone got killed nothing would ever get done.

Krystle powell

One my favorite episodes in my favorite nostalgia series. Its been so fun to watch through a first timers eyes. Can't wait for season 2 and beyond!