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Elsa Reinsch

LOL Fun fact about Joyce's car. It's a Pinto which is a notoriously bad car. It's fuel tank was known to blow up and cause the vehicle to go up in flames and this apparently happened a lot with this type of car. So Joyce can't even catch a fucking break with her car :)

Dezuree Tierrablanca

Love the reactions!! Did we skip some episodes tho?


the jump scares! i love it lolol


i heard that season 4's budget was 30 million PER episode!

Dezuree Tierrablanca

Ohhh ok gotcha. For me it stopped at episode 6 so I was confused but I’ll go up one to watch those last 2!

John buchanan

Travis just going to inform you if you release any content for stranger things in YouTube right now it’ll get the views. Season 4 just finished and tbh it might be the best season of any show I’ve ever seen and most people are agreeing.

John buchanan

Ya you did those before season 4 came out. Season 4 pushed this show through the stratosphere, I have a feeling you will do good

Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, season 1's not gonna do too well on YouTube. Season 4 is doing ridiculously well on YouTube, though. I would imagine that, in a month or two (give or take), YouTube viewers will start to move on to the next big season of popular TV shows and movies. Also, the upcoming 5th season will, unfortunately, be the final season of Stranger Things

Tammy Miller

Great start to season 2!!! So ready for the next episode! Thanks Travis for your great reaction!!!

Ilsuk Yang

Ah yes, you've now met some new characters. So, does Bob look familiar to you now that you've recently seen a particular movie that quite a few of us were (lovingly) pestering you about?