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Kayce Daniels

Loving these buffy reactions!!! I used to watch this in the morning before school it was always on from 6-7 and 7-8 so nostalgic for me 😎

Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, Joss Whedon's work is always saturated with his special brand of humor. And yet, he doesn't sacrifice emotion for humor either. He knows how to balance between them (not perfectly, though, because, who is perfect?). That's one of the many reasons why Buffy, Firefly, and his other works resound with people (including myself) so much

Phillip Grischa

I think you're a bit unfair to Buffy's mom, if it was all about her she wouldn't have given up her entire life to move to Sunnydale, that was done to give Buffy a fresh start. In this episode she was preoccupied with work but that is understandable, she has to start her career over in a new town and of course Buffy never offered a proper explanation why she burned down the gym so Joyce acting a bit weird is understandable. Maybe there's even some resentment involved and I wouldn't blame Joyce because she's also heavily affected Buffy's actions. We know why Buffy did it, Joyce has no idea.

Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, I think Travis not watching the movie before the series has given him a skewed view of Buffy's mom

Ilsuk Yang

I mean, even "good" parents (as far as I'm concerned, there are no good parents, just parents that try their best) do that from time to time. Plus, she's starting a new business on the other side of the country as a single mom of a teenage daughter who is secretly a vampire slayer. Plus, after seeing Amy's mom, she seems like mother of the year material (she's not, but, honestly, who is?)! Like you Travis, I haven't seen the movie in a long time, but I do remember that Buffy gave her mom little-to-no explanation about what happened in the gymnasium at the end of the movie

Travis Manning

Well maybe as the show goes on , since I havent seen it before and its been probably 20 years since ive seen the movie, ill grow to like her more :)

Phillip Grischa

I think the problem might be that many High School shows with parents in supporting roles often use the parents as a soundboard for the kids or as an advice dispenser. They sit on the couch or stand at the kitchen counter and when the teen walks in the parents are 100% in parenting mode. This show gives Joyce a live off screen and it shows in her on screen moments. I wouldn't say she had 0 interest in what Buffy was saying, it was just a bad moment because she was already doing something else. She could have stopped to listen to Buffy but didn't, that's realistic, we all have moments where we don't listen to people we love. I think it just feels worse here because it's not how parents are usually potrayed.

Thom Purdy

Well no. Not the other side of the country. Not even the other side of the state. Sunnydale is only a couple of hours or so from L.A..