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** previous season access will be available on the archive if your tier allows.

Some episodes are currently available in the COLLECTION on Patreon.



I love this show because there are so many twist and turns, and they feel thought out. It's so fun to see what the writers have in store for us each episode as the plots unravel and thicken!

Lina D

I know that so much of this show is supposed to be about Fitz and Olivia but it's annoying now. I'm tired of seeing it, I'm tired of hearing about it. Either be together or don't be together just shut the fuck up in the meantime😅. the whole thing is incredibly emotionally abusive, too...he's constantly forcing her into situations she doesn't want to be in and is always manipulating or guilting her. I am just so tired of the writers trying to make us think the Fitz and Olivia thing is cute when what I'm watching is an abusive relationship play out on screen. No matter how much hot hot sex they have it's still an abusive relationship that I am so fucking BORED OF. I know that this is not a popular take but I believe that the show would have been better if Fitzgerald Grant had died during the assassination attempt because that would give Olivia a lot of grief, and good versus evil, revenge versus moving forward etc type things to work through as opposed to this constant back and forth of like manipulation and abuse between the two of them.

Just Tika

The Olivia and Fitz storyline irritates my soul when I watch the show originally as a much younger adult. It was cute. It’s not even cute anymore. It’s not hot and it’s extremely abusive. I really looked up to Olivia for the longest time and even said I wanted to be a fixer like her. I’m definitely not a fixer. I’m still a lawyer though, every time I see them together all I can say is “girl stand up”!