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John buchanan

Libby is just short for Elizabeth. This next episode is amazing and I can’t wait. Season 3 is better then 2 I can’t wait


Fun facts: The crew started writing the 2-part finale 4 weeks prior to its airing. It was shot over a period of 17 days by two crews simultaneously and was only completed 5 days before airing. Desmond's full name is Desmond David Hume. David Hume, like John Locke, was a philosopher from the 18th century. He was a Scotsman just as Desmond is and was heavily influenced by Locke. Furthermore, Danielle Rousseau is named after Jean-Jacques Rousseau, also from the 18th century, a French-Swiss philosopher of the Enlightenment, whose political ideas influenced the French Revolution. Fleeing criticism in Switzerland, Rousseau took refuge and lived with Hume in Great Britain for a time. Henry Ian Cusick (Desmond) received an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Guest Actor for his performance in this episode. Hurley asks if the bird just said his name. Just as the bird is dropping off the branch to swoop at them, "Hugo" can be faintly heard in the wind. Paralells/character connections: The man that Desmond replaces in the hatch is called Kelvin Inman; the man in the army that lets Sayid go and gives him some money is called Joe Inman, but they are both the same man. The first word that Desmond says when he sees Jack is "You", the first thing Jack says to Desmond when they meet again in E3. Mr. Eko becomes the third character to say "Don't tell me what I can't do". John and Jack had also said that in the past. The numbers: The letters that Penny's dad withheld from her show that the house number of her street address is 23, while Desmond's return address is 42. Desmond's coffee that Libby pays for costs 4 bucks. Desmond needs $42,000 to buy a boat. Goof: Sayid says he recognises the rock with the hole in the middle from Michael's information but he was not seen to be given this information - we only saw Walt give it to Michael in secret on the computer. It's ironic or poetic that the boat appears at the time of Libby's funeral.