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Rachel Culpepper

I'm glad The Closer is starting to grow on you. The next episode is one of my favorites, it shows just how badass Brenda is.


The growth of every character is amazing. Hang in through the first few episodes, this show becomes addicting!

Trinity Bernhardt

I am glad they did so much to build a foundation of the department dynamics in episode 1 because now they can use them without more exposition and set up. It is hard to see her struggling so hard to do her job with everyone undermining her. Even the one who hired her won't put the faith in her she earned because he doesn't want to upset anyone else. No backbone to stand by his decision on hiring her. I don't always like her tactics. I don't know about the legality of what she did to that woman. Threatening the well being of her child is definitely duress in my book. They can probably get off on the technicality that while she asked if she should have a lawyer she didn't say I want a lawyer. I think it is wrong that they can use such distinctions to confuse people who don't know their rights. Like you have to say that you plead the 5th. If you just stay silent it doesn't protect you. I still like cop shows, because I like mysteries, but some of the tactics make me cringe. Of course it is tv so it is almost always used against guilty people so it doesn't feel as bad. I still love this show. I actually find it interesting to really think about her tactics and what lines I feel should be drawn. It makes for interesting conversations.