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Ilsuk Yang

Man, I forgot that Katherine McPhee was in this episode and she looks good! Also, Jeff saying, "We always used to watch the shows she wanted to watch. I hate Glee!" had me rolling 🤣🤣🤣 Also, Britta, never get a thin stick as your switch, girl! And I'm with Troy, just why, Britta? lol

Lina D

I thought the exact same thing. When she picked that switch I was like "oh baby nooooooo"

Siobhan Linehan

That moment of Jeff saying he hates Glee became a gif that I still see everywhere lmao. And I loved the moments between Abed and Shirley in this episode, they don't interact much so this was really nice. Shirley's sons helping Abrah go in the bounce house was adorable. As for Britta, girl is crazy. No way I'm letting my friend's nan whoop me just to prove a point lol. 😂😂