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Been a min since a 'late night' / early morning drop! ENJOY ❤️

No spoilers in comments pls :)


Jana Fuller

What!? Thank you!!!

Jaylen A

THANKS! we appreciate u ❤️


This episode is so funny

Alicia Cue

bahahah that 13 year old girls with the double hip replacement, i can’t feel bad for her because literally there’s no way she would’ve been otw to the olympics, you have to be 16 in the year they take place. and you’re so right she…is not the best actress

Alicia Cue

whew as an ex JW, i have many of feelings about this episode😅 firstly, the no blood rule is very rule and does cost lives, i knew a woman who had a baby with a cardiac condition that would’ve required a couple surgeries and instead of trying at all, they lost their baby like a few days after she was born. the first time i saw this episode i was still in the cult shit so i took great offense 😂 but like it’s a pretty accurate portrayal of witnesses in this situation like how else would a medical show approach the subject of a whole group of people who basically choose not to live except for with a little mockery? like im sure that stance feels like a mockery to medicine to the lives they claim to value so highly. as for like the friend no knowing the kid was a witness, that is very likely at least for me, i was in it in school so it’s already embarrassing enough when you can’t participate in birthdays or holiday activities, it’s not the thing you’d ever offer up as someone younger. yeah i could go on a wholeee tangent but this comment is already long enough, any more question lmk

Radha Karia

“Can’t even put a toddler in tights” so funny! I wish they had included a scene with them struggling to put Sofia in tights


that hernia guy is the same guy who shot and killed his sick wife on private practice, he's creeping me out whenever I see him 😂 I feel bad for that skater kid but he made his choice and if he's willing to die for it then that's how it'll have to be, I guess. I don't believe in imaginary friends who will protect you, if he had been protected he wouldn't have been hit by a car in the first place, but I can respect people who do have imaginary friends even if I personally think it's stupid to die for them.

Portia Crain

This episode always reminds me of that joke/story about the fisherman whose boat sunk and now is in the middle of the ocean... A boat comes to save him his answer is "no no I prayed to God, he will save me." Boat goes away another comes to save him he says "nope, God will save." Another comes same answer but then he dies and he makes it to heaven.. He looks at God and says "I prayed why didn't you save me" And God just says "I sent you three boats you big dummy."

Lina D

The thing about a belief in a higher power or imaginary friend is that it's not about your higher power preventing things from happening to you, its about your higher power or imaginary friend providing tools and signs for YOU to use YOUR free will and help yourself. So many people misinterpret that and end up like this because of it. It's so dumb. Being religious is great and fine for some (I'm very religious myself) but using religion to justify stupidity is just annoying lol


She's being bratty but she's 13 and had very valid reasons for being depressed about what she lost. Depression sometimes comes out as anger. *and Arizona has some nerve with that lecture when she spent MONTHS being awful to her wife. 😒

Helen Moore

The little girl isn't a turd, she was an elite athlete whos whole world crashed down around her and her mental health is suffering. Arizona was the right person because she told her that she was worth not giving up on. She had to realize that she was still worthy of life for herself.

Bradey Bononcini

I’m not a JW but I do know they practice shunning. If he willingly took blood there’s a good chance his family would’ve shunned him. I do like this episode because Leah’s frustration is very real, but Cristina is ultimately right. Infringing on religious beliefs could cost them their jobs and medical licenses. It seems awful in the short term but it’s better to let him die and keep your license so you can save more lives in the future.

Lina D

You can be more than one thing though. Like just because something traumatic happened to you doesn't mean that you get to be an asshole, even if youre a teenager. The kid was being a turd. She had valid reasons for feeling how she felt but that doesn't make her actions any less turdy. Trauma or struggles do not negate shit behavior and I will die on this hill.

Helen Moore

Oh she has an attitude for sure, it just always bothered me that they never got psych in there to help her.


if people need religion to deal with tragedy, fine but that's not how it works for everyone, or maybe some people simply don't need it to be able to handle life. and either way, I would never let religion stand in the way of my own survival.


Just a fun tidbit, in case you didn’t notice, all of grey’s episode titles are named after songs, and this is one of a handful that are named after Taylor Swift songs.


lol your latest Rookie episode was named Bad Blood


yeah that’s a thing, my brother is Jehovah’s Witness and he won’t accept blood. he had to have surgery and yeah they have techniques for that. i’ve had a couple blood transfusions and he was like i was going to be haunted, i told him they must be benevolent cause i felt better and they didn’t take it from a deceased person lol i get why Leah feels the way she does but you can’t disrespect someone else’s beliefs cause they’re not your own, of course i would want to with my brother as he’s the only JW in the family, but you have to respect what someones wants. this case is a shame though, and i’m grateful my brother was okay.

Lina D

Yeah, I'm agreeing with you. I'm saying that religious people often use religion to justify stupidity and it's not only cringe and weird to non-religious people, it's cringe and weird to me as a religious person as well. Like, people do not use their common sense and justify that as their belief that G-d will have their back and it is deeply fucking odd.

Lina D

Sorry, if I wasn't clear in my first comment. That's my bad I didn't mean to seem like I was trying to preach at you or justify religious views that are harmful.