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it's fun to watch people put Shepherd in his place, he's so arrogant and needs a reality check sometimes. that efficiency lady makes everyone nervous, she seems like trouble. but that paramedic who asked April out was pretty cute, she'd be dumb to say no to him bc she's still hung up on Jackson.


Meredith’s hormones😭😭

Gabi andrade

i really miss the “yeah yeah yeah”s 😭😭😭 i love rewatching your greys anatomy videos just for that!

Chloe James Grant

We all miss pre crash Arizona 😭 in my opinion her character went downhill but that’s just me

Edwina Annor

I agree about Shepherd’s smugness and I also think most of the doctors in this show are smug and arrogant tbh 🤣

Alicia Cue

hahaha two legged wheelie ridin arizona was the best miss her😭 and omg i’m glad you called out that alana girl for tryna shit on webbers OR time, like hoe you don’t know anything he literally just lost his wife, i get her job but i cannot stand her I love mer and her pregnancy hormones 😂

Radha Karia

I miss pre crash Arizona too but I love how realistic the show has been wrt to her amputation. I have a chronic disease that has developed over time and really affects my mobility. Its not the same as an amputation of course but its so exhausting mentally when you are in pain and frustrated at not being the person you are and having to learn to do everything differently and having people look at your differently and needing people's help more than ever.


I agree that he needed to be put in his place but I don't agree with her bringing up the millions. There's no reason anybody should be resentful of them for getting the money. It's not their fault that it's coming from the hospital nor is it their fault they were in the plane crash.

Tina Stewart

I think that was just Bailey’s way of saying if the hospital closes today, they will be financially okay while everyone else has to scramble to find a new job