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no spoilers in comments pls :)



Yes Travis these first 3 episodes have been quite tame compared to what you're still in for in the 2nd half of the season! SO EXCITED Still seems like not all the subtitles are showing up for you for whatever reason...the issue with the picture Simon posted from the demonstration was that the sign in the background said "CRUSH THE UPPER CLASS" - which doesn't look great from the Crown Prince's bf for sure. But poor Simon, man. I mean poor Wille too of course with all the pressure he's under. I really feel for both of them and just want them to be able to be happy and in love 😩


It seems like we just can't have nice thing huh...I mean every time we get something nice it's followed by something bad. Such as the adorable little boy/picture followed by Wille calling Simon to get on him about it and also the rock thru his window. I have so many thoughts about the convo between Wille and Simon how because of Sara how can he trust people. When Wille said he could trust him Simon's face said he wasn't so sure about that. And also Wille being all Eric would never do that to me Simon was just like oh ok. It just seemed like such an odd way to respond to Simon asking if would Wille be able to forgive Sara. I don't know the convo just left me feeling conflicted