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Annie Willow

I was distraught when this aired! I love Amy and Rory and I was not ready to see them go. But all good things must come to and end and they make way for new good things.

Amber Goodwin

I cry every time I see this ending. It gets bad when she says, “Melody.” Cuz River will always be her baby. 😭😭😭 But Travis’ face the entire time was basically 😧 and it gave me a good chuckle cuz same first time watching. 😆

Ilsuk Yang

The first time I saw this, as soon as the Doctor said "I hate endings", I was like, "ah shit"! I hate that I was right because I wasn't ready to say goodbye to them. At the same time, I felt it was time for them to go. Either way, it hurts! 😭😭😭