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no spoilers in comments pls :)


Alondra Dominique

Dude, the Easter Eggs in this episode.....Can't believe i missed until now.

Siobhan Linehan

Intense episode this one, I had to skip parts of it. But still really good. That scene between Oliver and Laurel made me smile. Oliver knew she wasn't ok without her having to tell him, she was the only one he was willing to open up to about his feelings, that little look she gave him said a lot lol and the song playing during that scene fit so well. Really loved that. 💕 You're right that casting Alex Kingston as Laurel's mum was genius. They do look so similar. Although I'm still not convinced by Alex's fake American accent I must say. 😂 And I think that Roy being saved from seconds before death has really given him a new perspective on life. It's given him a new purpose. I really like how they subtly showed the difference in Roy between before that happened and after. 👌

Ilsuk Yang

Damn! I forgot how intense this episode is!