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leslie martin

Oh I really didn't remember those Rachel's party scenes to be so awkward lol. The season 2 party was just so good, fun and felt natural. TBH the cast was really friends and that was just another party for them. Now this one.. It's basically a bunch of "teachers" and old students partying and singing with 16 years old they kind of don't know at all?? Also somehow they're having a party downstairs and 2 teachers are hooking up upstairs?? The overall acting was questionable, the over-dancing, over-lip-syncing, over-happiness and the actual vibe was actually cringe. Also somehow the coach of another team is there? weird lol why would Blaine help them? Also the "party outfits" are SO BAD. I agree that this ep felt really weird and pushed so much on "we need to help Rachel". I think her being sad to get rid of her old house is very valid, and that was funny how she messed up the house visits every time. BUT it just feels so weird how Mercedes and Artie are just still there, how Kurt and Blaine are just waiting to get back together, how Kitty is this weird parallel between the old kids and the new kids... honestly the most realistic thing is Rachel and Sam hooking up Also somehow the photos rubbed me the wrong way. It's so weird of Rachel to have so many pics of Quinn, and so little of Finn. I get why bc of real life events, but it's somehow weird to not really see him in those pics collage montage thing they did.


Okay one, why on earth did Rachel pour her coffee into the trash?! And two Kitty and Spencer fighting over the pink tutu is adorable

Sebastian Whitaker

I Know Where I've Been GCV is phenomenal, one of the best of the show - goes to show how underused Alex Newell was