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I'm just sitting here laughing thinking about your journey with Glee - At this point into S6 you're so cautiously like- I think it's going pretty good? Maybe too many story lines to handle? I don't know we're just gunna see what happens and go with it. 🤣 You've reached the acceptance phase and it's so relatable and funny to me 🤣 Also I was so here for the JLP and Tapestry mashups this ep.

leslie martin

I hate how this episode really shows how soft and sweet Santana can be with Brittany, and then she messes it all and go on that stupidly mean rant to her FRIEND Kurt.. He for sure didn't have to say anything, and he was very self focused, but she shouldn't even pay attention to this, on a day so amazing for her.. It really shows how most of the characters didn't grow at all

Capri Zonica

I wish Mercedes had been around for Brittana's engagement because Troubletones and also Sugar. This cat has taken a toll, seriously. And I highly doubt Santana would've have proposed that way surrounded by strangers, but whatever, it is what it is.

Artemis Delphinia

The Santana roast will always be my favorite thing in this show, but this one is special.

Tia rose gellatly

i do not like the santana rant thing though kurt did go over the line the script that santana had to roast kurt was actually insulting to chris colfers insurcurites and that ryan murphy is a piece of shit